Edition 6 September 2021
Welcome to the September 2021 edition of Pacifica Voice.
In this edition → link to articles:
- The California → Eviction Moratorium ends. Ellen Hage and Gloria Stofan review resources.
- Support → Coast Highway public transit: Rick Nahass
- Pacifica’s → Housing Element and fair housing: Suzanne Moore
- Conditions of eligibility for → property tax postponement: California State Controller, Betty Yee
- Support of → safe parking: Ken Chan, Housing Leadership Council
- In → opposition to the death penalty: Pacifica Social Justice
- An invitation to celebrate → International Peace Day: Pacifica Peace People
- In support of the → Women’s Health Initiative: Suzanne Moore
- Invitations to → reproductive right events: sign waving and Women’s March
- → Rivers End: an invitation to screening and panel discussion. Christine Boles
- On → gopher snakes: Ian Butler
- → Tree City Pacifica newsletter: Paul Totah
- Community hike on → San Pedro Mountain: Nick Lusson
- The → story of Jim Walker (1947-1968): Jean Bartlett
- → Harmony 1, lot 3: a story of community action. Christine Boles
- → Pacifica Historical Society on membership and events
- → Pacifica Library calendar
- → Sanchez Art Center 13th annual 50/50 show
CALENDAR Month Events
- TU 9/21 5-6 PM HWY 1 (by Moose Lodge) sign wave to celebrate International Peace Day
- TH 9/23 7-9 PM PPA General Meeting on-line
- SAT 9/25A 9 AM “Please join us for a community hike up the Old San Pedro Mountain Road Trail to support Protect San Pedro Mountain and protest the irresponsible development plans of Linda Mar Woods & Hillside Meadows. We’ll meet at the gate at the end of Higgins Way in Linda Mar. Learn more at www.ProtectSanPedroMountain.org
- SAT 9/25 3 PM Ruth Carlson book signing. See Pacifica Historical Society event calendar.
- MON 9/27 (confirm 7 pm start) City Council Meeting.
- TH 9/30 Eviction Moratorium ends unless extended
- FRI 10/1 4:30-6:30 PM Women’s Health Initiative support sign waving westside HWY 1 near Moose Lodge
- SAT 10/2 Women’s March 10-AM-12 N Pacifica State Beach, lot B, south of Taco Bell
- SUN 10/3 1 PM Pacifica Historical Society tea party and fundraiser. See their event calendar to register.
- MON 10/11 (confirm 7 pm start) City Council Meeting.
- FRI/SAT 10/15-16 Pacifica Historical Society rummage sale
- FRI 10/22 7 PM Rivers End: documentary on California water rights with panel discussion. See event description. Registration TBA.
- SAT 10/23 Pacifica Resource Center Palm-a-Palooza online fundraiser. Go to PALMAPALOOZA.COM for event information.
- MON 10/25 (confirm 7 pm start) City Council Meeting
Please refer to event calendars for the Pacifica Historical Society, Pacifica Library, Pacific Beach Coalition, and the Sanchez Art Gallery.
Photos have been contributed by Leo Leon, Mark Hubbell and Michael Dobres
Pacifica Voice is eager to receive articles on issues important to our community. Please send them to editors@pacificavoice.us for consideration.
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Summary of resources by Ellen Hage and Gloria Stofan
Unless the State chooses to extend the eviction moratorium, it will end 9/30/21. There are 4 steps tenants must take to prevent evictions. The attached flyer provides information and resources.
It is estimated that many Californians are still experiencing a reduction in household income with the COVID economic downturn. If you are a Pacifica resident and unable to pay 100% of your rent in October, please contact the Pacifica Resource Center at (650) 738-7470.
If you have received an eviction notice, you may need legal advice. You can call the Faith in Action Hotline at (203) 666-4472, San Mateo County Legal Aid at (650) 558-0915, or Community Legal Services of East Palo Alto at (650) 326-6440.
Click here for additional resources.
Advocating for Regional Public Transit, San Mateo Coast Communities
Author Rick Nahass
About 65,000 people live within 2 miles of the State Route 1, 18 mile stretch, from Main Street Half Moon Bay to the Northern Fairmont District in Pacifica and 30 miles to the Golden Gate Bridge.
The nine county San Francisco Bay area hosts 27 independent transit districts, the following two with similar demographics to the San Mateo Coast:
- Marin Transit serving 56,000 people with one regional bus route from Novato 28 miles to the Golden Gate Bridge
- Petaluma Transit serving 61,000 people with one regional bus route from Petaluma 40 miles to downtown San Francisco
Currently San Mateo Coast State Route 1 is considered a ‘local’ road. The following letter to be sent October 1, 2021 is an effort to request that our local bus operator, county and state representative begin to advocate adding to the Bay Area Transit planning regional bus service as part of a Western Bay Area Golden Gate Corridor on behalf of the Half Moon Bay/Pacifica communities.
If you would like your name added to the letter below, send email to Rick, Nahass, ricknahass@gmail.com.
TO: SamTrans Board Members (board@samtrans.com), Supervisor Don Horsley (dhorsley@smcgov.org)
FROM: Supporters of a Highway 1 Transit Corridor
RE: Fare integration study recommendations
The undersigned are in support of a Highway 1 Transit Corridor from Half Moon Bay to Marin, a regional one-ride bus route. We feel there are pressing reasons to create this necessary public transit access: to mitigate the negative effects of climate change and to provide transportation equity.
Public transit reduces the greenhouse impact of automobiles. As we prepare for increased housing along our Coast, we can reduce autos through reliable public transit.
As we provide for fair housing and meet demands for opportunity to residents of all incomes, we must satisfy the need for public transit to work, school, and important services including healthcare. Housing and Community Development Director, Gustavo Velasquez, puts it succinctly, “When everyone has better housing, health, and economic outcomes, we all do better.” Public transportation is inseparable from fair housing.
We are excited to see that the Metropolitan Transit Commission Fare Coordination and Integration Study is coming forward with Seamless Bay Area recommendations in support of:
- “Go-anywhere Pass” Regional Institutional/Employer Pass Pilot (2022) Phase 1, colleges and universities pass for institutions, Phase 2 expansion to include private employers and affordable housing residents (like colleges, housing, employers)
- Free transfers (2023 local and regional)
Both Pacifica and Half Moon Bay City councils have formally endorsed the Seamless Transit Principles, as have other Coastal advocacy groups listed. We ask that the Board choose to create this transit corridor for the present and future benefit of coastal communities. Thank you.
Pacifica Climate Committee
Pacifica Housing 4 All
People’s Alliance of San Mateo County
<Your Org Here>
Pacifica’s Housing Element and Fair Housing
Author Suzanne Moore
Every eight years, by state law, communities are obligated to evaluate their future housing needs and develop a plan to meet those needs. Pacifica, along with many other communities, will be updating the Housing Element of our General Plan before January 2023.
Pacifica’s 6th Housing Element is qualitatively different from past cycles. Pacifica is being challenged to build 1,933 new units in the 8 year period between 2022 and 2030, and state law is expecting communities to accommodate fair housing. In this article, we highlight the need for public input, list ways the housing element can promote low-income housing, and suggest urgent first steps for the housing timeline.
This quote from California Department of Housing and Community Development Director, Gustavo Velasquez, describes fair housing goals under California Assembly Bill 686:
“Affirmatively furthering fair housing in California is about achieving better outcomes for all Californians regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, disability, and all other protected characteristics. Specifically, affirmatively furthering fair housing means taking meaningful actions… (that) address significant disparities in housing needs,…access to opportunity, (and) transforming racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty into areas of opportunity. When everyone has better housing, health, and economic outcomes, we all do better.”
A needs assessment is part of the Housing Element. This assessment gathers data on demographics, economic characteristics, the current housing inventory; it is used to provide recommendations on how to achieve housing goals.
In Pacifica’s 2015-2023 Housing Element, the City identified “goals, objectives, and programs (that) strive to encourage and incentivize the maintenance, preservation, improvement, and development of housing affordable to persons of all income levels and special needs categories.” In spite of the plan, only 79 building permits for new housing have been issued since 2015, and 81% were for above-moderate-income units.
Building low-income housing is difficult: it is expensive to buy land and to build. In order to achieve our community’s desperate need for low, very-low, and extremely-low income housing, Pacifica needs to gather monies, land, and political/community will…and we need to be creative.
Pacifica is financially challenged, lacks large corporate employers, and has limited funds targeted for housing. Currently, Pacifica has approximately $300,000 in our housing fund, contributed when a developer was allowed to pay in-lieu fees to waive the requirement to build two below-market rate units.
There are a few possible ways to increase housing monies: annual business fees for contractors, a commercial linkage fee on new commercial development, a one-time transfer tax when property is sold/transferred, builder fees for market rate and above-market rate construction, a vacancy tax for vacant parcels. These ideas deserve some consideration. Monies from a housing fund can be used to subsidize low-income housing construction.
In San Mateo County, there are successful building projects utilizing collaboration of public and private funds. Pacifica could create a housing commission to actively, aggressively search for and create these partnerships.
Refurbished properties, at a cost far less than new housing, can save monies. Some projects could be counted toward our housing goals.
Long term, we should pressure legislators to create publicly-funded housing, for moderate to extremely-low income, on government-owned land. Housing is a necessary part of community infrastructure.
Pacifica has environmental constraints that are a challenge to building. Affordable housing and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive–we must do both. Building should occur in areas that are safe from fire hazards, landslides, flooding, erosion, and severe earthquake hazards.
The site inventory in the housing element lists possible sites for development. Opportunity sites for fair housing should be scattered throughout the community. Many Pacificans have voiced their preference to redevelop existing commercial properties into mixed-use housing. The state has clear instructions on the use of non-vacant sites to accommodate lower-income housing. It will be necessary for the housing element to identify constraints and mitigation pathways to achieve housing goals.
The community should weigh in on ways to achieve much-needed lower-income housing. Mitigation should be consistent with the General Plan and the City’s Safety Element; it is important for all our General Plan elements to be internally consistent. Minor modifications in zoning, the density bonus ordinance, lower parking requirements were all suggested mitigation strategies in the 2015-2023 plan.
An affordable housing overlay zone could provide incentives for builders to create housing in areas not designated for residential use. Height limits could be reconsidered. Permit and impact fees could possibly be reduced or eliminated for low-income housing.
Expedited review is controversial, but it could reduce the cost of a project; the community could consider under what circumstances they may be willing to expedite a development.
Pacifica has a program to encourage construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), but it is unclear how many of these units will be rented to those with low or very-low incomes. For instance, the City of San Mateo has issued over 90 permits for ADUs and all are for above-average income. Pacifica’s Planning Department has been asked for this information.
We know that housing is necessary for life and health. COVID has taught us that we are interdependent. The health of our low-wage essential workers–childcare, health assistants, service employees among many others–assures our greater community wellbeing. A state mandate is further incentive to create fair housing which provides opportunity for all economic levels.
As a gentle reminder for homeowners safely housed, we likely experienced times when we were low-wage earners or when we were tenants. This is our turn to help create safe, affordable, fair housing for others.
In 2015, the City’s Housing Element overall goals were to:
- strive to provide a decent home and satisfying environment for each resident, and
- protect the social mix, variety, and fundamental character of each neighborhood by providing for the safety and welfare of all residents equally.
This article suggests a reprioritization of goals for Pacifica’s Housing Element.
- Urgently create safe parking and/or transitional housing to provide safety for our homeless residents and create a pathway to permanent housing. Homelessness has increased due to the economic downturn of COVID. Since low-income housing is scarce, we must provide other ways of respite, access to hygiene, and access to case managers for permanent housing.
- Urgently create supportive housing to assure that residents, unable to safely and independently live alone, are safe. We know that our most vulnerable residents can lose their home at times of crisis and transition. There is a scarcity of supportive housing.
- Create a housing commission to aggressively seek funding and to work collaboratively with developers to plan, design, and finance mixed moderate to extremely low-income housing projects. The chief cause of homelessness is being priced out of housing.
- Assure that Pacifica’s Planning Department has adequate resources to effectively and efficiently process building permits. As a community, we should be able to depend on city staff recommendations that are timely and accurate.
- Include wording in the Housing Element that recognizes the need to provide safe housing at all levels of affordability while protecting the environment. We must be able to accomplish both to assure Pacifica’s ability to provide for future generations.
- Include wording in the Housing Element that protects against displacement from low-income housing. We cannot sacrifice those currently housed in order to create future housing without providing equal housing in the interim.
Please participate in Pacifica’s Housing Element process.
- advocate for ways to increase our housing fund and prioritize immediate emergency housing for our unhoused,
- prevent vulnerable populations from losing their homes,
- preserve existing low-income housing and prevent displacement for those currently housed,
- promote ways for Pacifica to build much-needed low, very-low, and extremely low income housing while preserving our environment.
California Property Tax Postponement Program
From California State Controller Betty T. Yee
Do you or a loved one need help keeping up with residential property tax payments?
The PTP Program allows eligible homeowners to postpone payment of property taxes on a primary residence.
To be eligible for PTP, you must:
- Be at least age 62, or blind, or have a disability;
- Own and occupy the home as your primary place of residence;
- Have a total household income of $45,810 or less;
- Have at least 40 percent equity in the property; and
- Other requirements.
The interest rate for taxes postponed under PTP is 5 percent per year. A lien will be placed on the real property, or a security agreement filed with the Department of Housing and Community Development for a manufactured home, until the account is paid in full. Funding for the program is limited. Applications will be accepted from October 1 to February 10 each year, and will be processed in the order received. Only current-year property taxes are eligible for postponement.
Repayment under the PTP Program becomes due when the homeowner:
- Moves or sells the property;
- Transfers title;
- Defaults on a senior lien;
- Refinances;
- Dies; or
- Obtains a reverse mortgage.
More details are available on the State Controller’s website.
Questions? Contact the Controller’s team at
(800) 952-5661 or postponement@sco.ca.gov
Safe Parking Sites Are Needed in Pacifica
Author Ken Chan, Organizer, Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County
Back in 2019, the County of San Mateo conducted a count of the number of homeless individuals living in the Peninsula and determined that just over 1,500 community members were experiencing homeslessness. While avoiding a “first place” finish (that went to Redwood City), Pacifica was identified as having the second highest number of unsheltered individuals and with 116, which accounts for almost 13% of the entire county’s unsheltered population.
To address this issue, Council Members in Redwood City approved the allocation of $1.7 million to implement a safe parking program that has created a path towards stable housing for residents parked and living on the city streets. It has been a success.
Also in 2019, Pacifica’s then City Council put in place an ordinance banning RVs and other large vehicles from parking on city streets. The first violation may lead to a $100 fine. If a resident were to receive three citations in a year they may be charged with a misdemeanor, handed a $1,000 fine, and may also have to serve jail time. After five or more unpaid tickets, their vehicle may be towed and impounded. In a city where, according to the Pacifica Resource Center, 1 in 10 households earn less than $25,000, these are costs that many of our most vulnerable residents cannot take on.
We’d first like to commend the Pacifica City Council and Staff for providing a map that highlighted local streets that have accessible legal parking for oversized vehicles and for providing a fact sheet to the community for reference. However, that is only the first piece of the puzzle to providing a safe place to park for Pacifica’s residents who live in their vehicles.
We would also like to address the elephant in the room and acknowledge that there is indeed a discrepancy in the amount of cash on hand between Pacifica and Redwood City. However, Supervisor Horsley has indicated that the County of San Mateo is willing to work with us if the City were to reach out to his office for assistance on this specific issue.
A safe parking program will give our community members in Pacifica the much needed proverbial bootstraps for them to use to lift themselves up and begin taking the needed steps towards finding permanent homes. HLC is urging the Pacifica City Council to collaborate with the County and build upon work done by their counterparts in Redwood City to implement a safe parking program that provides residents with access to a safe place to sleep, a space to properly maintain their hygiene, and case management services.
Virginia Chang Kiraly
Facing Disasters Together
My first deployment with the American Red Cross was in 2018, when I was called upon to help build shelters for evacuees of the Mendocino Complex Fire. So, when I was deployed again on August 31– three years later– to help evacuees from the Caldor Fire, I thought I knew what to expect. But, like many aspects of our lives these days, volunteering during a pandemic brought its own challenges – especially with the Delta variant, and the year-round wildfire season continuing to threaten our safety and our communities.
Nearly 300 evacuees from El Dorado County and South Lake Tahoe poured into the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. Another 130 sought outdoor refuge at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, which at one point sheltered eight horses. Seeing so many fellow Californians evacuated was heartbreaking. It also served as a constant reminder of the importance of preparedness. When disaster strikes, local government, non-profits, community leaders, and neighbors must work in harmony to help each other and save lives.
Helping Our Most Vulnerable
Setting up and working in this shelter was a challenging and rewarding experience. Red Cross clients range from senior citizens on a fixed income to unsheltered residents. COVID weighed on the minds of evacuees, volunteers, staff members, and visitors. Working with those who tested positive for COVID and with unvaccinated evacuees was a responsibility all of us took seriously. We tested everyone and did everything possible to minimize COVID exposure to ourselves, other evacuees, and the public.
The Washoe County government was an important partner. The Sheriff’s Office deployed its CERT team to provide security to shelters and help with COVID screening. The Health Department was instrumental in providing volunteer medical staff. Animal Control provided crates to shelter pets and managed the animal shelter. The county library provided books and computers. Nonprofit partners were crucial for providing donated pillows, clothes, toys, basic necessities, and transportation once evacuation orders were lifted.
Happy Outcomes & Being Prepared
To date, the Caldor fire is about 70% contained– and many people’s safety and property are still in jeopardy. There are small silver linings, though. These moments came in the happiness of a client reunited with his caregiver after she searched for him for four days in two states; seeing people devour books donated by the county library; and the relief and gratefulness I had to a homeless coalition for allowing an elderly Chinese-American woman to join them as they returned to South Lake Tahoe when she had no other transportation home. Helping with and witnessing so many different parts of a community come together in tragedy was one of the only bright spots in this disaster.
On September 11, the day after I returned from my deployment, I participated in a disaster-preparedness drill, simulating a 7.8 earthquake on the Hayward Fault. Even in this drill, those same principles came up again and again: the importance of preparedness and the need for local government, emergency services and communities to work together in harmony. These are among the crucial lifesaving ingredients whether we are facing a wildfire, an earthquake, or a pandemic.
Volunteering for the Red Cross and being a CERT of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District allows me to help those in need. It’s a humbling experience that makes me realize how lucky I am to be serving on the San Mateo County Harbor Board and the Menlo Park Fire Protection District Board – two boards that prioritize public safety and provide essential emergency response.
To learn about our local Red Cross chapter or donate, please visit: httpss://www.redcross.org/local/california/northern-california-coastal.html.
Laura Parmer-Lohan
Pacifica Voice – September 2021 Issue: Local Impacts of Climate Change
Laura Parmer-Lohan, Mayor, San Carlos California
We all know that climate change is here to stay. I’ve written before about the local effects of climate change and how as mayor of San Carlos, mitigating their impact is one of my ongoing priorities. I’ve joined with community organizations, leaders, and neighbors across the county to initiate and continue the hard work ahead.
Today, I want to focus on a few related topics. The first is noting OneShoreline.org – San Mateo County’s floor and sea level rise resiliency district. The members of OneShoreline are working to address climate change-related issues including rising sea levels, flooding, wildlife habitat restoration and coastal erosion.
Did you know that our county is the most vulnerable along the entire California shoreline? Over 40% of the County could be adversely affected by erosion and sea level rise. Aside from the obvious impact on coastal communities, inland communities will face challenges with utility disruptions, storm flooding and sewage control.
San Mateo County, CalFire and other agencies are also working to address immediate issues such as wildfires. Last year’s “CZU August Lightning Complex” fires burned 86,509 acres, across the counties of San Mateo (22,755 acres), Santa Clara and Santa Cruz, claiming one life, destroying 1,490 structures, and closing numerous schools. Tireless emergency crews contained the fires just short of more populated areas.
San Mateo County’s 3rd Supervisorial District with nearly 80% percent forested, agricultural or open space land is vulnerable to wildfire. We must be prepared for future natural disasters by working together on vegetation management, establishment of defensible space and making sure that our communities and families have emergency communication and evacuation plans.
Wildfires and sea level rise also endanger coastal and inland wildlife. Just as fire can destroy natural habitats, sea level rise can cause destructive wetland flooding and erosion. Aquifer and soil contamination threatens fish, birds, and plants.
As you may already know, I’m running for County Supervisor for the 3rd District, and I am dedicated to addressing these issues across all our diverse communities. As your supervisor, I will work to develop sustainable long-term solutions and ensure that local public funding is shared equitably in our communities.
If you haven’t yet, please visit the “events” information on Fire Safe San Mateo County Firesafesanmateo.org or OneShoreline.org and get involved!
I want, and need, your feedback on local issues, priorities, and goals. If you haven’t yet taken my District 3 Community Survey, please take a moment to do so by visiting www.LauraforSupervisor.com.
Pacifica Progressive Organizations Statement Against the Death Penalty in San Mateo County
Pacifica Social Justice
We are groups based in Pacifica who work to develop and sustain a just and inclusive community. We are opposed to the continued use of, and advocacy for, the death penalty and sentences to life without possibility of parole (LWOP) in cases originating in San Mateo County.
The death penalty and LWOP have been widely condemned as serious violations of human rights. The death penalty is used disproportionately against people of color especially African Americans, and is used more frequently in cases with white victims1. There are currently 10 individuals on death row from San Mateo County, 50 percent of whom are Black and Latino2. The death penalty is also disproportionately imposed on poor people3.
There is also a very real risk of executing an innocent person. At least five men have been released from death row in California due to wrongful conviction.
The San Mateo District Attorney’s Office is actively involved in litigation with the goal of resuming executions in California4. The district attorney sought a new death sentence in a case as recently as February 2021.
San Mateo County residents have twice voted against the death penalty in the last decade, sending a very clear signal that we want a change. San Mateo County needs a new commitment to justice, not only in stopping executions and LWOP, but in prosecuting excessive use of force by law enforcement, such as the sheriff’s murder by taser of Chinedu Okobi, and the sheriff’s cooperation with ICE.
As progressive organizations we urge the district attorney of San Mateo County to pledge publicly to stop seeking the death penalty or sentences to LWOP in any and all cases from this day forward, to support resentencing for all of those individuals who are currently sentenced to death or LWOP, and to pursue other means to end mass incarceration.
Pacifica Social Justice
Pacifica Peace People
Pacifica Housing 4 All
Pacifica Climate Committee
1As of June 1, 2021, the CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation lists 11 individuals on death row from San Mateo County, however one of these is Scott Peterson whose death sentence was recently overturned and the district attorney announced he would not be seeking another death sentence. Peterson was tried by the Stanislaus County DA in San Mateo.
2Residents who identify as Black make up less than 3% of the county population, and Latinos make up less than 25%. httpss://www.census.gov/quickfacts/sanmateocountycalifornia
3As of June 1, 2021, the CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation lists 11 individuals on death row from San Mateo County, however one of these is Scott Peterson whse death sentence was recently overturned and the district attorney announced he would not be seeking another death sentence. Peterson was tried by the Stanislaus County DA in San Mateo.
September 21, 5:00 pm, Hwy #1, near entrance to Moose Lodge
Come stand in solidarity with Pacifica Social Justice & Pacifica Peace People to promote peace with justice! Make your own sign or wave one of ours.
Need inspiration?
Turn the War Economy into a Peace Economy!
Vaccines, Not Bombs
Support human rights! – Women’s Rights are Human Rights!
Refugees Welcome Here!
2019, Lockheed Martin made $53 bn – STOP War Profiteers
Abortion on Demand Without Apology
Humanitarian aid is never a crime!
Get in Good Trouble, Reject Voter Suppression
Imagine, all the people living in Peace! –John Lennon
“If you remain neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” –Desmond Tutu
In Support of the Women’s Health Initiative
Author Suzanne Moore
Abortion has been legal in all my years of practice as a Family Nurse Practitioner. In my experience, no one ever sought abortion lightly. I believe many practitioners sought to discuss choices clearly and without judgement. When I concluded my counseling, I said, “When you look back at this moment, remember you made the best decision you knew to make at the time.”
First hand, I found that life doesn’t always work as desired. I had two unplanned and complicated pregnancies that resulted in preterm labor and infant deaths.That is why, personally and professionally, I support the right to choose.
I hope for a day in which each newborn is welcomed into a loving family; is welcomed into a community that provides safe housing, adequate food, and excellent education; is welcomed into a world at peace and recovering from environmental abuse. Until that time, I will stand with my sisters and brothers in support of the Women’s Health Initiative.
FRI 10/1 4:30 to 6:30 PM on the westside of Highway 1, Mori Point Road, near the Moose Lodge, for physically distanced, masked sign waving. Make your own sign.
SAT 10/2 10:00 AM to12 Noon march starting at Pacifica State Beach.
Bring your signs supporting reproductive justice and body autonomy.
RIVERS END: a documentary on California’s water crisis.
Invitation to a screening and panel discussion.
Author Christine Boles
Please save the date, Friday October 22, 7-9 pm for a free community screening of a new documentary about California’s Water Crisis at the Pedro Point Firehouse (a huge thank you to the Firehouse Board!). More details to follow soon. Masks and proof of COVID immunization will be required. We are hoping to also be able to livestream the event but have not yet worked out those details.
Following the 81 minute film, we will have a panel discussion on the issues as they relate to Pacifica. Speakers will include Adrianne Carr, the General Manager of our North Coast County Water District and Gregg Dieguez of the Midcoast Community Council. Other speakers to be confirmed.
River’s End reveals California’s complex struggle over who gets fresh water, and how moneyed interests game the system. Constant battling over uncertain water supplies heralds an impending crisis—not just in California, but around the world.
If anyone is able/willing to help with publicity, technology, set up/clean up, outdoor refreshments on day of event, please send an email to Christine Boles at boles@beausoleil-architects.com
In appreciation of Gopher Snakes
Author Ian Butler
Growing up in Southern California, my friends and I used to love looking for snakes as we explored the rocky chaparral and riparian canyons. There was a hierarchy of coolness, with king snakes, rosy boas and rattlesnakes at the top. Garter snakes were cute but kinda boring, and at the bottom, the plain and sometimes nasty San Diego gopher snake, which we mostly tried to avoid.
When I moved to Pacifica, the docile rubber boa, our local member of the boa family, was my favorite. Garters, racers and ringneck snakes would always make a hike more interesting, and of course the San Francisco garter is legendary worldwide for its beauty and rarity. But I never really cared much for the local species of gopher snake, (Pituophis catenifer catenifer, AKA Pacific), which, although a little smaller than it’s sometimes 8 foot long San Diego cousin, I still associated with the painful bites the latter gave me as a kid.
That was until last week.
I had a little extra time so I went to Linda Mar Beach and sat down in the dunes just to the South of the Crespi crossing. I was just about to move on when a beautiful brown and sand colored snake, about 2 feet long, slithered right in front of me. I quickly identified it as a gopher snake, the only species it could be confused with is the local rattler, but this one had no rattles and the head wasn’t the telltale triangular shape common to all vipers. I picked it up right behind the head in case it wanted to bite, but it showed no interest in doing so. In fact it just wrapped around my wrist and made itself at home.
As can be seen in the photos, this is a beautiful snake! But more importantly a sign of a healthy ecosystem. In 1989, these dunes were mostly covered with invasive ice plant from South Africa, planted here in the early 1900s to stabilize the dunes for the Ocean Shore Railway, and later for CalTrans. It turned out to be pretty bad at that, but it’s pretty good at crowding out native plants. And it’s not edible by wildlife, so after 80 years the ecosystem of Linda Mar Beach was pretty decimated.
Enter Jake Sigg. Jake is a botanist and native plant enthusiast who in 1989 got the crazy idea to start restoring the dunes to their natural glory. It started small, but eventually the restoration picked up steam, with the Pacific Beach Coalition and Pacifica’s Environmental Family assisting in the effort. Once the ice plant is pulled, native plants are planted to fill the void before other invasives take over.
The results have been spectacular! A while back a survey identified 57 varieties of native plants. This diversity of species allows a wide variety of insects to thrive, especially pollinators which always can find something in bloom. The variety of insects and plants then allows small animals like mice and voles, and even rabbits and weasels to begin to populate the area.
And now gopher snakes. Holding this beauty with it’s smoky lower eyeliner and dark tail markings, I finally came to appreciate the importance of this overlooked species. They feed mostly on small mammals, especially gophers, using their burrows to travel underground. (And if there is anything we have too many of, it’s gophers). But it’s not just what they eat that makes them important, it’s also what they are eaten by, providing food for raptors and foxes as a vital link in the food chain.
They are also pretty clever. Gopher snakes take advantage of their similarity to rattlesnakes by shaking their tails against dry leaves, mimicking the sound and look of a rattler. An impressive feat, considering that they are completely deaf!
After 15 minutes or so, I put my newfound friend down on the sand and watched it disappear into the beach saltbush and sand verbena, just as its ancestors have done for millennia. Another important species is thriving once again on this magical beach.
Tree City Pacifica September Newsletter
Author Paul Totah
Tree City Pacifica (TCP) is busy preparing for this year’s Arbor Day celebration while also working with city officials to fine-tune how we protect our heritage trees. In addition, we’re working with the Pacifica School District to help students understand just how valuable trees are to a sustainable future.
General Meeting Oct. 7
For the first time ever, we are holding a meeting for all of TCP’s supporters at 7 p.m. on Oct. 7. Please save this Zoom link in your calendar as a reminder to join us, where we will discuss a variety
… More continue reading September Newsletter
Save Pacifica’s Hillsides
Contact Nick Lusson
Please join us for an easy community hike up the Old San Pedro Mountain Road Trail to support Protect San Pedro Mountain and protest the irresponsible development plans of Linda Mar Woods & Hillside Meadows!
The Story of Jim Walker (1947-1968)
Author Jean Bartlet
Born in 1947, Jim Walker was a 1966 graduate of Terra Nova High School. He died in Vietnam in 1968. The following story on Jim Walker was written by Pacifica-based writer Jean Bartlett for the Pacifica Veterans Memorial Group and is reprinted here with permission. You can find this memorial story, with all of its photos and links, at www.bartlettbiographies.com. Please visit the Pacifica Veterans Memorial Group on Facebook
Jim Walker’s dad, James Edward Walker, Sr. served in the Navy in the Second World War on the USS Hornet (CV-8). The third and the last of the Yorktown-class aircraft carriers, the Hornet was commissioned just weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor. The ship fought valiantly in the Pacific Theater. In June of 1942, she helped turn the tide at the Battle of Midway, the epic battle between the U.S. Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN). The ship went on to provide air cover in the Solomon Islands until October 24, 1942. On the morning of October 26, 1942, she took her place in the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands. Within a space of minutes, the Hornet was hit by four 550-pound bombs and one IJN pilot flew his bullet-riddled plane into the aircraft carrier which embedded, blazing, into her flight deck. Then two IJN pilots pierced her hull with two torpedoes, starboard side. Already severely damaged, in the afternoon she was struck by two more bombs and another torpedo. She sank early the next morning. Of her 2,200 sailors and air crew, 140 would never see home again. James, Sr., who survived the sinking of the Hornet, thought the hardest days of his life were behind him. But he found out on April 30, 1968, he had not yet seen his hardest day. On that day, James Sr. and his wife Felice learned that Jim, a 1966 graduate of Terra Nova High School, died in battle in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam on April 29th. It happened at 2 a.m. Jim was killed outright by gunfire. His parents were told it would be five to twelve days before Jim’s body would be brought home.
“They’re sure it’s Jim, huh,” James Sr. asked the two Army officers who had walked up to the front door of the Walker home at 1270 Alicante Drive in Pacifica’s Linda Mar neighborhood.
“They rarely make mistakes, sir,” the lieutenant quietly told him.
James’ wife Felice had had a funny feeling all day, the day before. It started when she read that her son’s unit had experienced heavy action. When she had walked outside the morning of the 30th to pick up the paper, she saw the men in uniform.
“I remember screaming,” she later told the Pacifica Tribune. “They didn’t have to tell me. I knew my boy was dead.
Later Jim’s father would remember being told that Jim was “killed somehow while on combat duty with helicopters.”
* * *
James (Jim) Edward Walker, Jr., was born in San Francisco on February 26, 1947 to James Edward, Sr. and Felice Walker. He was their only child. Jim’s dad was born on October 2, 1917 and his mom was born on August 1, 1907. From Oregon originally, Jim’s mom was a first-generation American. Her father was from France and her mother was from Denmark. Through his mom’s first marriage to Elmer Coghlan, Jim had three half siblings: Elmer Jr., Robert and Jacqueline. Jim was raised Catholic and like his parents, was a member of St. Peter’s Catholic Church.in Linda Mar.
A cable splicer with PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric), James Sr. moved his family from San Francisco to Pacifica in the 1950s. In 1960, they bought a newly-built home at 1270 Alicante Drive.
“I knew Jim at Terra Nova High School,” said Lou Siegel, Terra Nova Class of 1965. “He was a year behind me and he didn’t play baseball like I did. But I know he was a swimmer and he did track. I always found the fact that he did swimming impressive. I hated that pool. It was freezing!”
“I remember him as fun and lighthearted, and tall, definitely tall,” Lou went on to say. “He was a good guy and he had a lot of friends.” (He was six foot four.)
Barbara Johnson of Linda Mar Florist could hardly believe it; didn’t want to believe it when she heard the news directly from Jim’s dad on the 30th. Just the day before, she and a friend had sent Jim a package. They knew Jim was a fan of sunflower seeds, salami, crackers, cheese and fruit juice – so they filled up a five-pound box with his treasured snacks, wrote him a note and shipped it off.
“Jim was a great favorite at the florist shop,” Barbara told the Tribune. “He was always buying flowers for dates and for his mom. He was such a pleasant, nice boy, a boy you liked to have around.”
Mother’s Day 1967, Jim had ordered an orchid from Linda Mar Florist for his mom. As friends and family gathered at Jim’s parents’ home on the 30th to talk about Jim, to try to make sense of their loss, one friend told the Tribune that that orchid was blooming.
* * *
Besides swimming and track, which earned him his Terra Nova Block, Jim played clarinet in the Terra Nova Tigers Marching Band in 1963.
“Jim had many friends,” one of his classmates told the Tribune. “He dated several girls. He enjoyed life.”
Following Jim’s graduation from Terra Nova, he got a part-time job at the Tribune. He helped run the printing press. After a few months, he left to work full-time at PG&E doing construction. In December of 1966, he volunteered with the U.S. Army and was sent to Germany.
He was a good correspondent. He wrote his folks regularly. In his last letter he sent a check for $142.
“Could you put that in my savings account? I’m going to buy a new car when I get out.”
In December of 1967, Jim phoned his family from New York City to let them know he was coming home on leave. This was an unexpected surprise and his family was thrilled. It was only after Jim had been home a few days that he told them, he would not be returning to Germany. He had been transferred to Vietnam.
But it was a wonderful visit and during his time home, a number of his friends came over and chowed down on pizza and reminisced over their various adventures. He told them of some of the plans he had in mind when his 18 months were done. He told one of his friends he had met someone and fallen hard. He hoped to marry her.
On March 23, 1968, PFC Walker arrived in Vietnam. The infantryman was a light weapons specialist attached to D Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, 1st Calvary Division.
Originally horse-mounted soldiers, the 1st Calvary Division was activated in Texas in September of 1921. Nicknamed the “First Team” during the Second World War, the Division dismounted and became an infantry division, an air assault division and an armored division. During the Vietnam War, the First Team Airmobile was the first full U.S. Army division deployed to Vietnam.
Jim wrote his mother.
“If you read about the First Cavalry in the papers, Mom, remember, it’s the best outfit there is. We’re the first to fight the enemy.”
Completely unsettled by what she had read that Monday morning in the newspaper regarding Jim’s unit, Jim’s mom did not box up all the goodies she had bought for her son, which naturally included his “cherished” crackers and salami. “I was just so upset,” she said. Her husband, who had retired from PG&E and taken on his son’s part-time job at the Tribune, had gone to work that day. He worried about his wife and he told his fellow workers that it was “tough having a son in Vietnam.” And then of course the very next day they were answering the Army lieutenant’s question. “Would they like an honor guard for Jim’s service?”
“We are very proud of what Jim did,” his mother told the Tribune and the lieutenant. “He should have all military honors. He did his duty. He did not burn his draft card. He was not a hippy. But he didn’t want to die. He was just 21.”
A Requiem Mass for U.S. Army E-3 Private First Class James Edward Walker, Jr. was held at St. Peter’s Catholic Church. He was laid to rest at Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, Plot S, 692. The Purple Heart recipient’s parents would later be buried next to him, his mom in 1980 and his dad in 1992. Jim’s name can be found on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) at Panel 53E Line 8.
Author’s note: If any of Jim’s relatives discover this tribute, please contact the Pacifica Veterans Memorial Group so that your comments can be added.
Harmony at One
Author Christine Boles
On August 9, the City Council granted the main contentions of our appeal of the home at lot 3 of Harmony@1 on Roberts Road (now Ohlone Point – I have a really hard time using that new name for a subdivision that paves over pristine native land with homes for the super wealthy). What makes this appeal unusual is that there were two appeals filed, the first by Richard Campbell (representing himself) and Summer Lee, representing CPUP (the Coalition of Pacificans for an Updated Plan and Responsible Planning), and the second by Dinah Verby and myself. The other unusual aspect is that we resolved our issues with the project by working directly with the very gracious property owner, Bijan Khosravi. This is our story.
At the April 5 Planning Commission hearing for the project, Summer and I expressed our concerns about the project not appearing to comply with some of the original subdivision conditions of approval. We had not had a chance to fully review the project drawings and staff report at that point, but we did notice some discrepancies, including floor areas that showed different calculations in different places, and the requirement for a subdivision architectural control committee composed of an architect and biologist to review the plans, which had not been done. The drawings didn’t even show setbacks or the existing trees, a basic requirement in every other city. The project was nonetheless approved with only Commissioner Ferguson voting no. Soon thereafter, Sue Digre, ever the watchful eye for our Hillside Preservation ordinances, asked me to look into HPD and we found major errors. Word got out, and Dinah Verby and Rich Campbell realized that they had even more issues with the approvals, including the omission of LEED Gold requirements and improper CEQA analysis for visual impacts. We were so lucky to have two very experienced attorneys and negotiators in our group.
If you lived here in 2007, you might remember that this subdivision was only approved after much deliberation as it is located on a very visible ridgeline between Linda Mar and Fassler Avenue. It was supposed to be a model for sustainable development. Dinah was very involved in the original project negotiations, and she had many of the historical documents in her files.
Richard Campbell was a Planning Commissioner during this time. He said, “The hearings were standing room only. There was a lot of public interest, probably the most I have seen in my 13 years as a planning commissioner… Because the development was a test of our HPD. Pacifica prizes its open space. It’s why people love living here and investing in our town. And it’s what makes Pacifica different from towns we are surrounded by.”
As we analyzed the drawings we discovered errors in the applicant’s calculations regarding disturbed areas allowed under the Hillside Preservation Ordinance (HPD), as well as errors in the Planning Department Staff Report analysis. The HPD disturbance areas were actually almost double what is allowed under the Ordinance. They counted the gray areas, but not all the colored areas in the drawing below.
In addition, the original plans placed the home on a “Prominent Ridgeline” which the General Plan says should not be built on unless there are no other options. The red hatched areas in the drawing below are the band of the prominent ridgeline as identified in the Tentative Subdivision Map. For some unknown reason they were left out of the Final Subdivision map. The Planning Department has no idea what happened…The delineation doesn’t actually follow the real ridge, so that is very puzzling too.
The requirement for the homes in this subdivision to comply with LEED Gold green building standards was also eliminated, and the Planning Commission substituted the less rigorous Green Points standards – without any explanation or discussion.
We explained our concerns to Mr. Khosravi and his engineer. We read through the codes and studied the drawings together, and in the end, he agreed with us. He said he would have gladly complied with these ordinances if he had understood them. He was eager to settle and start construction, and we only wanted the project to comply with our laws and the original conditions of approval.
We resolved our issues by entering a Memorandum of Understanding with Mr. Khosravi. The design was modified, the home brought closer to the street to minimize disturbance. A bedroom wing was rotated off the prominent ridgeline; there was plenty of room on the lot for the house he wanted to build. The owner also agreed to have the project comply with LEED as well as the Green Point Rated program. As he was being helpful and we never would have gotten such concessions in a full appeal to the City Council, we decided to compromise on a few issues, such as not requiring a revision to the EIR instead of an addendum, and not requiring the 3-10 foot high berming (building up of soil mounds on the side of the house facing Linda Mar and Pedro Point to further hide the home) in front of the living room, master suite and pool.
As the design had changed, procedurally the project needed to go back to a public hearing for approval. So we withdrew most of our grounds of appeal and agreed to limit the appeals to the LEED issue as that was the simplest process. Staff recommended upholding the main grounds of our appeals, and the City Council voted unanimously in our favor.
The findings in the Council Resolution included language establishing a “presumption that projects in the planned development portion of the Ohlone Point subdivision (generally those areas other than Lot D) will attain points necessary to achieve LEED Gold certification…” This is important because one of our goals is to ensure that all future homes in the subdivision will comply with the LEED Gold condition of approval. Unfortunately, the findings also appear to create an exception where “proven to be technically infeasible or where another significant hardship…can be demonstrated by an applicant.” This new exception was not in our agreement and not discussed ahead of time. We objected and attempted to have it stricken during the meeting, as there was already some leeway in the language around LEED, but the City Attorney decided it was too late at night for her to write up something different. The future impact of this language remains to be seen. As part of our MOU, the owner will need to review the construction drawings with us, including his LEED and Build it Green checklists, so we will see if he ends up claiming hardship; hopefully not.
All parties are very (mostly) pleased with the outcome, and we look forward to welcoming Bijan and his family to Pacifica in the very near future! While it is important to remain vigilant, we hope that this successful outcome will be a precedent so that all future homes at Ohlone Point will be in conformance with the laws and conditions of approval. And we really hope that we can go back to our own lives and stop having to spend our time and money holding the city accountable to our laws.
We could really use your help joining us in voicing concerns at City Council and Planning Commission hearings. It’s easy for them to dismiss the same group of people who always speak up, but if enough voices are heard they will have to listen.
And if you are able, please donate at www.cpup.org. Our lawsuit regarding a very needed update to the General Plan as part of the Vista Mar project approvals is all community funded and the developer is running up our costs with frivolous motions. Our attorneys laugh, but they keep sending us their bills…We are hoping to finally get in front of the judge next month. Thank you for listening and for your support!
PACIFICA HISTORICAL SOCIETY: membership benefits and future events
The Society preserves, enjoys and educates about Pacifica’s past. In addition to historical research, we host regular events about local history, and run the Pacifica Coastside Museum.
The Pacifica Historical Society has several events scheduled in the next few weeks at the Pacifica Coastside Museum in Sharp Park. Masks are required at all PHS events.
On Sept. 19, historian Walter Coe will give a presentation on the 1774 Anza expedition that brought hundreds of settlers to the Bay Area and established the city of San Francisco. Coe will discuss the journey, the leader and the perilous route that they took. The event starts at 1 p.m. and a $5 donation is suggested.
On Sept. 25, travel writer Ruth Carlson will discuss her book “Secret California: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful and Obscure,” a compilation of lesser-known stories of California history (including some unusual historical events in Pacifica). The book will be able for purchase and signing by the author. The event starts at 3 p.m.
On Oct. 3, the PHS is hosting a tea party with “Mr. Twining” who will describe how tea came to England, became the national beverage, and how to prepare a proper cup. Sandwiches and scones will be provided by Lovey’s Tea Shoppe and tea served. The event, a fundraiser for the PHS, is $28.50, and reservations are required. Proof of vaccination required at the door. This event begins at 1 p.m.
On Oct. 15 and 16, the PHS will hold its monthly fundraising rummage sale at the Pacifica Coastside Museum.
Here’s a link to our events page so that people can easily look at how to register etc. httpss://pacificahistory.org/events
The Pacifica Historical Society has opened a research room in its museum in Sharp Park, allowing members free access to the online archives of the Pacifica Tribune from 1954 through 2013. The Tribune’s archives were recently digitized and are available online at newspapers.com for a subscription fee. However, PHS members receive free unlimited access to the Tribune archives at the museum during its opening hours, or by appointment.
PHS membership is $20 a year for individuals and couples who are seniors, $15 for seniors and students, $25 for couples and families. PHS membership has many other benefits, including discounts at events and the holiday party at the San Mazza Castle in Sharp Park.
San Mateo County Library Events Paula Teixeria, Supervisor |
Thursday – ESL Classes Siguiente clase Thursday, September 30 • 5:00 PM
Clase de inglés para principiantes.
Un instructor certificado enseñará inglés básico para principiantes en esta clase en línea gratuita. Esta clase es para hispanohablantes.
ESL BOOK CLUB Next class Monday, September 27 • 4:00 PM
We are now meeting Mondays at 4:00 PM.
Let’s read books and learn English at the same time. Join other language learners in a virtual meeting where we read together and discuss the text. Please be aware that this program has limited space.
Preserving Your End of Year Summer Garden Wednesday September 22 • 4:00 PM
It is time to clean up your summer garden with the Master Food Preservers. In this overview of food preservation techniques, we will ponder ways to save those few onions, the green tomatoes, the odds and ends of your summer herbs, and the overflowing bushels of squash!
Seeing Silicon Valley: Life Inside a Fraying America Wednesday September 22 • 6:00 PM
Behind the image of a region glittering with the promise of innovation and wealth, another Silicon Valley exists, one segregated by race, class, and nationality in complex and contradictory ways. With arresting photography from acclaimed photographer Mary Beth Meehan and intimate stories and interviews with Silicon Valley culture expert Fred Turner, “Seeing Silicon Valley” makes this hidden world visible.
Free giveaway books at the library while supplies last.
Labor Market Information: Find Your Next Job Tuesday September 28 • 10:00 AM
Are you interested in finding a job or changing careers? Learn how to effectively use Labor Market Information (LMI) as a tool to make informed, accurate decisions on how to get a job, improve skills, or enhance your career.
Author: Carolina de Robertis in Conversation, The President and the Frog Tuesday September 28 • 7:00 PM
Carolina De Robertis will be in conversation discussing her latest book and the craft of writing and translating. A former Latin American president reminisces on his remarkable life in The President and the Frog a timeless and timely exploration of power, revolution, and survival.
Free giveaway books at the library while supplies last.
Art Talk – Breaking the Frame: Contemporary Asian Wednesday September 29 • 7:00 PM
Showcasing newly acquired and commissioned contemporary pieces, this presentation from the Asian Art Museum profiles selected artists and their work. Frequently using their own words, it explores their inspiration, techniques and materials, and their identity as multicultural artists. Become acquainted with these talented and visionary artists who are breaking the frame.
Oct 5th WWII Conversation With L. Annette Binder and Sandell Morse Tuesday October 5 • 6:30 PM
L. Annette Binder’s The Vanishing Sky is a World War II story through a German lens, telling of the irreparable damage of war on the home front, and one family’s participation–involuntary, unseen, or direct–in a dangerous regime
Sandell Morse’s The Spiral Shell uncovers long-silenced stories of bravery and resistance among the civilians of a small town in France during WWII.
Free giveaway books at the library while supplies last.
Tanforan – From Race Track to Assembly Center Thursday October 7 • 7:00 PM
Watch the one-hour documentary, Tanforan – From Race Track to Assembly Center with members of your community and engage in a short conversation and Q&A with Steve Okamoto.
Meet Bob Calhoun, Author of the Murders That Made Us Wednesday October 20 • 7:00 PM
From its earliest days when vigilantes hung perps from downtown buildings to the Zodiac Killer and the kidnapping of Patty Hearst, murder and mayhem have shaped San Francisco into the political and economic force that she is today. The Murders That Made Us tells a 170-year saga of madness, corruption, and death, one crime at a time
Meet Bob Calhoun, author of The Murders That Made Us! We’ll be giving away promotional copies of The Murders That Made Us starting Monday, October 4 at all San Mateo County Libraries locations while supplies last.
- Interested in learning how to do yoga or already have a practice and want to join others in your community for free online sessions? Join certified yoga instructors for accessible well-rounded vinyasa-inspired flow yoga and chair yoga classes on alternating Thursdays from 11:30-12:30. Sessions will focus on relieving stress and rejuvenating your body!
Container Gardening Thursday October 21 • 4:00 PM
Learn how to grow almost anything in a container: flowers, vegetables, shrubs, succulents, and citrus! UC Master Gardener Laurel Nagle will guide you through every aspect of successful container gardening: from what to consider before buying a plant to ongoing maintenance for long-term enjoyment.
Labor Market Information: Find Your Next Job Tuesday November 2 • 10:00 AM
Are you interested in finding a job or changing careers? Learn how to effectively use Labor Market Information (LMI) as a tool to make informed, accurate decisions on how to get a job, improve skills, or enhance your career.
13th Annual 50|50 Show Opened Sept 10
Sanchez Art Center is delighted to present its 13th annual 50|50 Show, through Oct 10, juried by Shannon Trimble of Anglim/Trimble Gallery in San Francisco. Participating artists create 50 small artworks within a time span of 50 days, a challenge requiring dedication, creativity, and courage. With its stunning display of originality plus the affordability of the artworks, this highly anticipated exhibition at Sanchez Art Center is known throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. The ability of artists to share their creative work has continued to be severely impacted during this extraordinarily difficult time of pandemic—a time when we need more than ever to cherish the experience of self-expression, exploration, and joy that art provides. SAC is honored to support these artists and the wider community.
Our esteemed juror, Shannon Trimble, was tasked with the difficult undertaking of selecting just over 50 artists from the pool of 187 entrants, after reviewing each artist’s submitted images of past works along with their medium and proposed theme. The show contains over 2,500 original artworks—paintings, textile works, mixed media pieces, photographs, cyanotypes, and more.
A look through the participant roster shows a mix of works by new 50|50 artists and returning favorites, such as Sanchez studio artist Jennifer Alpaugh’s botanical cyanotypes, pâte de verre (glass) works by Andrea Ciak, and folded paper pieces, now with encaustic, by Goran Konjevod. Also returning is Cheryl Coon, this time to entertain us with cat-on-a-scanner photographs. Jan Michaels, a new studio holder at Sanchez Art Center, has created a series of lovely prayer boxes for the earth. Landscape painter Tina Birkey takes us along on a road trip from California to the Midwest. Natalie Ciccoricco creates delicate confluences of thread and natural findings. Minami Oya’s beautiful works in glass explore energy portraiture. In addition, the show includes works in fiber by artists such as Kathy Tamai (shibori and indigo dyeing), Anne Bray (knotting textile strips), Betsy Vaden (wet felting), and Irene Schlesinger (embroidery on canvas), as well as numerous thought-provoking drawings, paintings, and photographs.
Sanchez Art Center welcomes visitors without an appointment and at no cost Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 1–5 pm, through Oct 10. Art buyers get to immediately take purchases home with them. Art enthusiasts often visit multiple times to take it all in, and we welcome you to return again and again. Safety protocols for the health and well-being of guests, volunteers, and staff align with State of California and San Mateo County guidelines. Masks will be required indoors, and we ask visitors to remain flexible as to personal space. Visit our website, SanchezArtCenter.org, for updates.
Proceeds from the 50|50 Show supports Sanchez Art Center’s programs that, for 25 years, have created community through art. Special thanks to exhibition sponsors: Art Guild of Pacifica, Bleyle Elevator, and San Mateo County Arts Commission.
Don’t miss this inspiring celebration of art and artists! Sanchez Art Center is located at 1220 Linda Mar Blvd in Pacifica, about a mile east of Highway 1. For more information:
1220 Linda Mar Boulevard, Pacifica 650-355-1894 info@sanchezartcenter.org sanchezartcenter.org |