Edition 4 June 2022

Calendar of Events

6/3/22 – 6/26/22Gale Antokal exhibit, Sanchez Art Gallery
MON 6/13/22 5 PM City Council
TU 6/14/22 9:30 AM – 4 PMSenior Services Day, Charles Schultz Museum
Pacifica Senior Services, 650 738 7384
TH 6/16/22Pacifica Library Virtual Events (see Library calendar)
– 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Gentle Chair Yoga
– 4 PM – 5:30 PM, Secrets to Successful Succulents
– 6 PM – 7 PM, Meditation in the 21st Century
SAT 6/18/22, 2 PM – 6 PMFancy Pants Presents Cool World
785 Main Street, coastpride.org/events/pride
MON 6/20/22, 7 PMPacifica Planning Commission
TH 6/23/22In person. 5-5:45 PM; 6:30-7:15 PM Escape Room
Sharp park Library (see Library calendar)
SAT 6/25/222-3 PM, Virtual Library event, Pickle Fermentation (see Library calendar)
7:30 AM – 1 PM Pacifica Community Rummage Sale (see post)
SUN 6/26/22, 10 AM – 12 PMHabitat Restoration, Community Center
MON 6/27/22, 7 PMCity Council
WED 6/29/22 7 PM – 8 PMVirtual Library Docent Talk, The Obama Portraits
SUN 7/3/22 7 PM – 8:30 PMViewing: Keep It a Secret, Winter’s Tavern (see post & trailer)
MON 7/4/22Fourth of July Festivities
TU 7/5/228 AM, Beach cleanups: Sharp Park, Rockaway, Linda Mar
7 PM Planning Commission
SAT 7/23/22 78 AM – 6 PMKahuna Kapuna, Pacifica State Beach (see post)

See posted calendars for:

  • Pacific Beach Coalition
  • Pacifica Library

Photos have been contributed by Leo Leon and Mark Hubbell

Pacifica Voice is eager to receive articles on issues important to our community. Please send them to editors@pacificavoice.us for consideration.
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March For Our Lives – Moms Demand Action – Erin Gale

  • I am a mom, and I am pleading for change
  • I am a descendent of men who fought in the American Revolution,
    • Of brothers who battled on opposing sides of the Civil War,
    • The granddaughter of a Rosie the Riveter,
    • Of veterans who defended democracy in World War II,
    • The daughter of a Vietnam Veteran.

  • Now, I am a mom to children who have had Active Shooter drills since preschool.
  • Right now,
    • I am not proud to be an American if being American means guns over kids,
    • I am not proud to live in a country that values the second amendment over all else.
    • This is not freedom. This is not what my family has fought for.

  • There have been so many mass shootings in my lifetime, that I relate milestones with the deaths of innocents.
    • I was in 8th grade for Columbine,
    • Gabby Giffords was shot the year I got married,
    • Sandy Hook was before I became a mom,
    • Fort Hood was the year my daughter was born,
    • Pulse Nightclub was on my birthday,
    • Parkland was when my son was 10 months old.

  • After each shooting, there are thoughts and prayers and moments of silence.
    • It’s too soon to discuss guns the GOP will say.
    • Gun sales go up.
    • Then the world continues to spin and we move on.
    • Except for the families that don’t.
    • The moms and dads and brothers and sisters who never get to hug again.
    • The babies, only identifiable by DNA.

  • School is done for the year.
    • Our kids will be safe for a few weeks.
    • As long as they don’t go to church.
    • Or a medical facility.
    • Or drive down the freeway.

  • We have to do something now.
    • I want to honestly tell my children that school is a safe place and I cannot say it is.
    • I want to.
    • I want it to be a place where they are protected.
    • A place where teachers will never have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

  • I hope to be proud again someday.
    • If America is the land of the free,
    • We must be brave enough to put down the guns.
    • Enough is enough.

  • I am a mom, and I demand action.

Pacifica Makes History: Pacifica Pride Celebration – Jenny Walter

Happy Pride Month! Flags are flying everywhere, and some of them are new. In case you missed it, our first annual PACIFICA Pride Celebration occurred June 4th heralded by a flag raising at the Community Center with the full City Council, City Manager, and about 75 cheering Pacificans in attendance.  Pacifica’s signature hot rods energized the parade and led the way up Highway One. Bikes, cars, and a float continued on the parade route past the Pier and up Palmetto.  The local businesses on Palmetto raised the Progress flag. A fifth grade Girl Scouts troop, outfitted in custom Pride T-shirts, chalked the parade route with positive messages and distributed custom stickers made just for the occasion. A Brownies troop cheered on the assembled marchers next to Ingrid B. Lacy Middle School. There were over 20 business sponsors, including the headline sponsor, TableWine. Afterparties flourished at local businesses. 

The historic Pacifica Pride Celebration was cosponsored by the City, numerous local businesses, and CoastPride.We are in debt to the leadership of Mayor Bier, Councilmember Sue Beckmeyer, TableWine owner, Katie Brookshire, Olga Munoz of 723 Design, Greta Sieglock at Compass, and Cherie Chan who all made the celebration possible.Thanks go to the numerous donations from business cosponsors. CoastPride, a nonprofit serving Pescadero to Pacifica and providing LGBTQ resources, was able to purchase supplies (custom stickers, Progress flags for businesses and the cheering crowd, multilingual business welcome signs with the logos of the City and CoastPride) and duplicate flyers. All these helped spread the word; and love unfolded from the southern tip of Pacifica to Palmetto.  (For more information about CoastPride, please visit coastpride.org) With the ocean as backdrop and downtown adorned with Progress flags, we know that Pacifica’s first annual Pride parade and celebration was among the most  beautiful in the country. 

The Celebration also marked a pivotal site of LGBTQ history. In the 1950s, a decade before Stonewall, Sharp Park had a roadhouse bar called Hazel’s Inn which welcomed LGBTQ clientele driven south by San Francisco police raids. In 1956, Hazel Inn was raided by police. Sheriff Earl Whitmore told the San Mateo County Times “The purpose of the raid was to let it be known that we are not going to tolerate gatherings of homosexuals in this county.” Ninety people were arrested that night, and the majority were San Francisco residents. For its first time ever, the ACLU represented those arrested; and the legal fight for equality and justice began.

Pacifica’s first Pride Celebration is:

– a day of remembrance of all the individuals who braved police raids, violence, rejection, bullying, and discrimination – we acknowledge their suffering. We thank all the people who noticed, cared, and bravely did whatever they could to help the effort for equality and justice.

– a day of celebration of the current enthusiasm for inclusion and for progress made through the years. Marches have evolved into parades.There are far more protections than there were in the 1950s.

– a day of vigilance that hard-won rights are not threatened. The FUTURE of Pacifica is brighter than ever for LGBTQ+ people everywhere and those who care about them: we are organizing, we are visible, we are making change… and we will continue the fight for equality and justice until we have won.

Happy Pride Pacifica!!!

Pride Flags – Terri Echelbarger  

There are three different versions of the Pride flag.

 The ‘old flag’ with 8 stripes (now printed with only 6) is probably the most familiar. Each color has meaning; and its creator, Gilbert Baker (1951-2017), said it was also meant to reflect every color, and every race. Baker said, “Flags are torn from the soul of the people.” Baker, a flag maker by trade, holds two world records.  The Pride Flag, a gift to the community, was flown for the first time in 1978. The design was ‘free use’. Check out Gilbert’s story here: gilbertbaker.com

Many found the old design less inclusive, and more flags for various identities were created (like the trans flag – blue and pink – in 1999 by Monica Helms, and 2013 Morgan carpenter and the intersex flag – yellow and a circle). It would be an understatement to say there have been vast changes in the LGBTQ+ Community since Gilbert was alive – and even more changes since. It is a fair to say that the gay community in Gilbert’s time struggled with racism and sexism (which effects every transperson). In 2017, Philadelphia added black and brown stripes to the six stripe flag to represent people of color, and in 2018 Seattle added three more stripes, Blue, Pink and white (Transgender community).  These flags did not find wide use, and many thought they were poorly designed.   

In 2018 Non-binary artist and designer, Daniel Quasar (xe/xyr), recreated the widely-used six-stripe flag, added the Seattle colors, and created an arrow/triangle of colors meant to evoke forward movement.  The light blue, pink and white stripes represent trans and non-binary individuals, and the brown and black ones represent marginalized People of Color (POC) communities. The black stripe has a double meaning as it is also intended for “those living with AIDS (and the stigma and prejudice surrounding them), and those who have been lost to the disease”. It’s called the Progress Pride flag.  Quasar kept merchandising rights. Read more in the V&A article The Progress of Pride Flags. The merchandising rights collected by Quasar are one reason many in the Queer Community won’t give up their six-striped flag any time soon – especially those who marched and fought under it.   

In an attempt to be even more inclusive, a third flag made its appearance in 2021.This flag, with a yellow wedge and purple circle and borrowed from the original intersex flag, was created by Valentino Vecchietti. The graphic and design is free to  use, and free to merchandise.  Read more in the Advocate article Pride Flag Gets Redesign to Include Intersex Folks.  Perhaps this flag will become the norm, but only time will tell.  

Case Closed: FPPC No. 18/0531 – Suzanne Moore

Peter Loeb, member of Pacifica Housing 4 All (PH4A), received an email informing him that the four-year investigation into missing campaign records was completed and no action will be taken. The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) determined there were no violations to the Political Reform Act.

Loeb, with support from members of PH4A, initially reached out to the FPPC when expected campaign records, including financial statements for a 2017 petition drive (which ultimately overturned a City Council vote) were missing from Pacifica City Hall. “It is my understanding,” said Loeb, “that California’s Political Reform Act legally requires these records to be published so that the community is aware of who was behind a campaign, who financially supported it, and how much money was spent. This is important for our informed decision making.” (See article in Pacifica Voice, June 2021, FPPC investigation enters fourth year.)

Loeb spoke with FPPC Senior Commission Counsel, Bridgette Castillo who described the FPPC No. 18/0531 investigation as “unique”. At issue is, that for FPPC jurisdiction, a measure must be submitted for popular vote. The referendum petition against Ordinance 814, a  2017 temporary moratorium on rent increases, was not put to public vote: City Council chose, after the petition drive results, to rescind 814. “It made no sense to put it on the ballot because, on election day, it (begins and) ends,”, explained then-mayor Mike O’Neill.

Counselor Castillo did tell Loeb that the FPPC had many meetings before they made their decision, that she had not seen anything like this case in her 15 years with the FPPC, and that the FPPC can’t change regulations. There would have to be legislation to redefine what is considered a measure.

PH4A member reactions were swift. Former Mayor, Sue Digre, says “This robs voters.”  Eileen Barsi called it “heartbreaking and frustrating.” Gloria Stofan reminded us that, “Many of us in Pacifica were very, very frustrated with a damaging petition in which Pacificans were hurt.” Loeb concluded the discussion: “Someone paid for a petition to overturn the urgency ordinance so they could raise rents with impunity. They didn’t have to report who paid for it. They got away with it.”

The FPPC notified these attorneys and organizations of the “No Action Closure Letter”:

  1. Rebecca Olson of Miller and Olson, LLP, Attorneys and Counselors at Law on behalf of Stop the Hidden Tax Committee – No on C;
  2. Ashlee Titus of Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, Attorneys on behalf of:
  • California Apartment Association,
  • San Mateo County Association of Realtors,
  • Coalition for Housing Equality,
  • National Association of Realtors. 

PH4A is considering future options.


Deadline for Pacifica’s Housing Element Looms – Suzanne Moore

Every eight years, by state law, communities are obligated to evaluate their future housing needs and develop a plan to meet those needs. According to the City, Pacifica’s 6th Cycle allocation is 1,892 housing units across various levels of affordability. This is an increase of 1,479 units, or an increase of 358 percent, compared to its 5th Cycle allocation of 413 units.

The deadline for Bay Area cities and counties to update their Housing Elements to reflect their Cycle 6 allocations is January 31, 2023. Pacifica is far behind other communities in taking the necessary steps to submit our Housing Element by the deadline.

This article will 

  • briefly describe a Housing Element and the mandated goals,
  • discuss repercussions for noncompliance,
  • describe Pacifica’s past allocation performance,
  • suggest some policies to incorporate into our Housing Element,
  • conclude with what steps we can take as concerned community members.


Pacifica’s 6th Housing Element is qualitatively different from past cycles. The 6th Element has a mandated equity lens, is a contract with the state, and has oversight by Housing Community Development (HCD) to hold communities responsible for their contracts.

AB 686, Housing Element Law, promotes more inclusive communities by addressing the disproportionate housing needs of lower income households and households with special needs (e.g., persons with disabilities, elderly, large households, single parent households, farmworkers, and people experiencing homelessness). HCD Director, Gustavo Velasquez, describes fair housing goals under California Assembly Bill 686: “Specifically, affirmatively furthering fair housing means taking meaningful actions… (that) address significant disparities in housing needs.” A needs assessment is part of the Housing Element. This assessment gathers data on demographics, economic characteristics, the current housing inventory; it is used to provide recommendations on how to achieve housing goals.

The site inventory in the housing element lists possible sites for development. Opportunity sites for fair housing should be scattered throughout the community. Many Pacificans have voiced their preference to redevelop existing commercial properties into mixed-use housing. The state has clear instructions on the use of non-vacant sites to accommodate lower-income housing. It will be necessary for the housing element to identify constraints and mitigation pathways to achieve housing goals.

The State expects evidence of community engagement. To complete this task, Pacifica contracted with 21 Elements to evaluate the City’s existing Housing Element and update needs, develop a work plan, facilitate HCD conversations, engage the community, conduct outreach efforts and community workshops, and develop the Draft Housing Element by the adoption deadline of January 31, 2023. 


Jeremy Levine, Policy Manager, Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo, expressed concern that Pacifica will only have time to submit one draft to HCD before risking noncompliance. If the first draft gets rejected, Pacifica will be unable to implement the necessary revisions and resubmit by the April 2023 deadline. At that point, Pacifica’s housing element would be decertified, immediately making the city ineligible for some state funding and grants.

 If the city remains out of compliance for more than one year, the city risks facing more severe penalties. Megan Kirkeby, deputy director for housing policy, California HCD, stated noncompliant housing elements are subject to a range of penalties. Here is the link to the summary: Consequences of Non-Compliance

Listed penalties include:

Loss of Permitting Authority: Courts have authority to oversee local government residential and nonresidential permit processes to bring the jurisdiction’s General Plan and housing element into substantial compliance with state law.

Financial Penalties: Local governments are subject to court-issued judgments directing jurisdictions to bring a housing element into substantial compliance with state housing element law. If a jurisdiction’s housing element continues to be found out of compliance, courts can fine jurisdictions up to $100,000 per month, 

Court Receivership: Courts may appoint an agent with all powers necessary to remedy identified housing element deficiencies and bring the jurisdiction’s housing element into substantial compliance with housing element law.

Streamlined Ministerial Approval Process: “ministerial” approvals in order to hasten the production of housing and bring a jurisdiction into compliance with its state-determined housing need allocation.

Lawsuits: from the state, third parties, and/or developers. Potential consequences of lawsuits include mandatory compliance within 120 days, suspension of local control on building matters, and court approval of housing developments.


In Pacifica’s 2015-2023 Housing Element, with 413 units allocated, the City identified “goals, objectives, and programs (that) strive to encourage and incentivize the maintenance, preservation, improvement, and development of housing affordable to persons of all income levels and special needs categories.” In spite of the plan, only 79 building permits for new housing had been issued by the end of 2021, and 81% were for above-moderate-income units.

Pacifica has a program to encourage construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), but it is unclear how many of these units will be rented to those with low or very-low incomes. For instance, the City of San Mateo has issued over 90 permits for ADUs and all are for above-average income. Pacifica’s Planning Department has been asked for this information.


Housing Elements, to best address the fair housing mandates, should incorporate plans to: 

  • prevent displacement and address homelessness, 
  • provide interim housing until permanent housing becomes available, 
  • preserve existing affordable housing, 
  • and produce housing for all income levels – with special attention to the dire needs for low and extremely low-income housing. 

Based on our community’s needs assessment, policies must be incorporated into the plan to accomplish these goals. 

Building low-income housing is difficult: it is expensive to buy land and to build. In order to achieve our community’s desperate need for low, very-low, and extremely-low income housing, Pacifica needs to gather monies, land, and political/community will…and we need to be creative.

Advocate for ways to increase our housing fund. There are a few possible ways to increase housing monies: annual business fees for contractors, a commercial linkage fee on new commercial development, a one-time transfer tax when property is sold/transferred, builder fees for market rate and above-market rate construction, a vacancy tax for vacant parcels. Monies from our housing fund can be used to attract nonprofit contractors, preservation housing contractors, and public-private collaboration.

Prioritize interim housing for our unhoused as a pathway to permanent housing. Homelessness has increased due to the economic downturn with COVID. Since low-income housing is scarce, we must provide other ways of respite, access to hygiene, and access to case managers for permanent housing. Collaborate with the County for funding sources and technical assistance.

Create supportive housing to assure that residents, unable to safely and independently live alone, are safe. We know that our most vulnerable residents can lose their home at times of crisis and transition. There is a scarcity of supportive housing. There are nonprofit contractors and service providers who can demonstrate existing, successful models on the Peninsula.

Prevent displacement. The chief cause of homelessness is being priced out of housing. Incorporate tenant protection into our Housing Element. PH4A supports tenant protections, and an article follows.

Preserve existing low-income housing. Since for-profit contractors are also interested in these properties, our community needs to develop a system to compete. Agencies like HIP Housing have successfully worked in communities to preserve existing affordable housing. Pacifica, again, will require housing funds to participate. 

Promote ways for Pacifica to build much-needed low, very-low, and extremely low income housing while preserving our environment. Create a housing commission to aggressively seek funding and to work collaboratively with developers to plan, design, and finance mixed moderate to extremely low-income housing projects. PH4A supports certain policies as incentives for housing which are listed in a follow-up article.

Include wording in the Housing Element that recognizes the need to provide safe housing at all levels of affordability while protecting the environment. We must be able to accomplish both to assure Pacifica’s ability to provide for future generations.


Express support for Pacifica Planning Department’s access to adequate resources. As a community, we should be able to depend on city staff recommendations and work processes that are timely and accurate.

Please participate in Pacifica’s Housing Element. Petition City Planning Department, our City Manager, and our City Council to immediately begin the work on the Housing Element using their pre-arranged contract with 21 Elements. We do not want to lose Pacifica’s opportunity for certification.

 According to HCD, a certified housing element brings with it eligibility for numerous state and regional funding sources, including:

  • Permanent Local Housing Allocation
  • Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Grants
  • SB 1 Planning Grants
  • CalHOME Program Grants
  • Infill Infrastructure Grants
  • Pro-Housing Design funding
  • Local Housing Trust Funds
  • Regional Transportation Funds

This is the stated mission and vision of the AFFH:

  • Mission of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: Promote safe, affordable homes and vibrant, inclusive, sustainable communities for all Californians.
  • Vision: Every California resident can live, work, and play in healthy communities of opportunity.

Let’s do our part.

Pacifica Housing 4 All Policies for Housing Element Consideration

By Pacifica Housing 4 All

Tenant protection

1. Rental registry. EX: Concord: Cost $5-15 per unit. Advantages – data source, track complaints, track displacement indicators referenced in SPSP,  Air B & B tax compliance. 

2. Anti-harassment ordinance, City of Richmond JAN 2022. 

3. Red Tag Ordinance, City of San Mateo – requires property owners to provide relocation payments to tenants displaced because of code violations.

4. Short term rental regulations, Half Moon Bay 60 day limit on unattended hosting .

5. Substantial renovation ordinance – pulled permits required before tenant eviction, tenant first right of return, tenant 3 month relocation benefits.

6. Just cause eviction protection from 1st day of rental. 

7. Developer buyout allowing tenants the first opportunity of purchase 

General policies to incentivize low-income housing

1. Increase inclusionary rate to produce more low-income housing. Halt the in-lieu fee so housing is actually built.

2. Create a dedicated housing fund supported by:

a. vacancy fee: all residential properties NOT just rental properties – see Vancouver BC 2017 – 1% non-primary residence unoccupied for more than 6 months annually including short term rentals. 

b. title transfer fee: City of San Mateo charges $5 for every $1000 of sale value

3. Pathway for preservation of existing affordable housing:

a. HIP housing and HEART: to leverage funds from our dedicated housing fund.

b. RWC has an established system to be at the ready in the event an opportunity for affordable housing becomes available.

HIP Housing 2023 Calendar Contest – NOW OPEN!

HIP Housing is a nonprofit that provides thousands of people in San Mateo County with a place to call home!

We are inviting all K-5th graders in San Mateo County to send us a fabulous drawing of a home, along with a quote on what home means to them. The winning 12 will be featured in our 2023 calendar and have an opportunity to present their drawing to their local Town or City Council! For the lucky winners and their teacher/club leaders, there are also some gift certificates up for grabs!

We use our calendar to educate the community about our services, and it will be distributed to 3,000+ homes and businesses throughout San Mateo County.

If you know a young, budding artist in San Mateo County, be sure to get them involved! Entry forms are available on our website in both English and Spanish.

This is some summer break fun, not to be missed! For more information, please contact Nina Phillips at NPhillips@HIPHousing.org or visit the HIP Housing website.


Resolve Conflicts Nonviolently – Pacifica Peace People

The mission of our 19-year-old Pacifica Peace People is to develop a culture of peace in Pacifica. We support all peaceful efforts to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. We are opposed to this war of aggression and we are opposed to all wars.

In this 21st century, we have, and we must use, the tools for peace/not war. We humans know how to use words, how to resolve conflicts nonviolently, how to rebuild trust, how to repair injuries, and how to care for each other instead of killing each other. We know how to end all wars.

We do not believe that sending more and more weapons to Ukraine will bring this war to an end. We believe that non-stop negotiations will bring peace. Outstanding and effective peace organizations are offering trustworthy analyses, effective tools and actions to end this war. We urge you to become engaged with Democracy Now!, CodePink, Massachusetts Peace Action, World Beyond War, Win Without War, Roots Action, and Jewish Voice for Peace. We in Pacifica Peace People firmly believe in negotiation and diplomacy. Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.

El Centro on the Coast – Luis Valdivias, Director of Programs

What has El Centro been up to in Half Moon Bay? EL Centro de Libertad has partnered with ALAS in a new program called The Cariño Project. It is aimed at helping Farmworkers and their families, Youth, Homeless, and the whole Community of Half Moon Bay, to address Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders. ALAS has built strong community ties in Half Moon Bay, a small town that is strong and has been through a lot. People in Half Moon Bay look out for one another, and TRUST is paramount. Historically, for the Latinx Community, there has been a lack of resources and unaddressed social/economic issues; yet they have thrived, even without much help from outsiders. We could not think of a better way than The Cariño Project to show Half Moon Bay that we are part of the Community. We collaborate with local agencies, reach out, and let folks know we are here to help. El Centro, in Half Moon Bay since 1999, provides Substance Use Disorder services to everyone. With new leadership, we have changed our vision, and have made the People of Half Moon Bay a priority. The launch of the Cariño Project establishes a firm commitment to the Latinx Farmworker Coastside Community.

In response to the growing need, El Centro has launched the Crisis Assistance Response and Evaluation Services (CARES) Program in Half Moon Bay. The City along with El Centro de Libertad created a pilot alternative response to mental health-related 911 calls –  traditionally answered by fire, ambulance, or law enforcement. Service calls appropriate for the CARES team include welfare checks, suicidal ideation and mental health distress, substance abuse, low-level and nonviolent concerns related to behavioral health. The CARES team will operate initially within the city limits of Half Moon Bay and the Moonridge Farmworker Housing Community. Very soon, CARES will be expanding to a Coast-wide operation. CARES is a specially- trained two-person team consisting of a behavioral-health professional and an emergency medical technician. The initial launch coverage is for five week days; but in September of 2022, the CARES Program will expand to two teams providing services over additional hours seven days a week.

The programs above are evidence of El Centro’s commitment to the Coastside Communities. We have built trust with the people of Half Moon Bay, and  intend to make impactful changes that create a difference in people’s lives.

Success Story for a client

Building rapport with the Coastside Community has been an intricate process.  Many times Latinx families have felt misunderstood, misrepresented, unheard, and overlooked. This was “Maria’s” experience (Maria is not her real name). Maria had been receiving guidance and support from the staff at ALAS; however, when she came across some legal issues, she was referred to El Centro de Libertad to enroll in our Anger Management Program. Given Maria’s mistrust of community agencies, our initial meeting was uneasy, to say the least. Overtime, we established rapport, and trust developed. Maria made a personal commitment to engage in services, she became less apprehensive about treatment, and consistently kept her appointments. Maria is progressing and is eager to learn and receive other services. Maria,  with help from El Centro, is well on her way to a stable and fulfilling life

For more information on El Centro, please reach out to us 650-599-9955 or visit our website at elcentrodelibertad.org

For More information on ALAS please visit alasdreams.com/programs

Text for first Article

The Job of the City Manager – Mark Hubbell

Macintosh HD:Users:owner:Documents:Pacifica Voice:Pacifica Voice 2022:IMG_9234.jpg

Sloppy communication creates a vacuum which rapidly fills with uncertainty, speculation, and misinformation. That’s the physics of communication. It should not be used as a baited trap to disparage the public and claim they are engaged in disseminating false information — like what the San Mateo County Association of Realtors did in the 2018 Elections.

Our City Manager was speaking of an engaged public who attended our City Council meetings, fought to give us The Tunnel instead of The Bypass, and preserved the sweeping views of Sweeney and Milagra Ridge. Those are very popular achievements. 

What, Mr. City Manager, have you accomplished? Maybe you should thank them for their vision instead of demeaning them. It is your job to serve the public.

California Government Code 54950: In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.

The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.


Hydrology and Flooding: comments on the draft environmental impact report (DEIR) – Victor Carmichael

Having lived in Pacifica since 1993,I have witnessed many storm-related events; so I took special note in the DEIR’s opening paragraph of Chapter 3.5 that we live within nine watersheds. I could not, however, locate all nine watersheds on Fig 3.5-1. The drawing also seemed to have other inconsistencies and missing information. In fact, it seems the entire north end of Pacifica was less interesting, in general, to the map makers.

Other problems were:

  • Some watersheds seemed to have no identifying name.
  • The color coding did not make sense and/or was inconsistent:
  • Milaga Creek does not seem to ever reach the ocean.
  • Color coding for the 1% and 0.2% Annual Chance of Flood Zone can be easily confused with the color that designates the Sanchez Creek watershed.
  • The names of two watersheds in the northern-most section of Pacifica are illegible.
  • The two watersheds that created the two deep ravines which cut into the coastal bluffs of Fairmont West are not shown or discussed at all. (See photos.)
Figure 3.5-1

The lack of discussion of the two watershed zones in the northern-most portion of Pacifica is surprising: there are important residential and commercial districts located there – Fairmont West, West Edgemar, and Pacific Manor. Moreover, this is the very coastal zone in Pacifica where eight (8) houses and three (3) apartment buildings had to be demolished in 2019 to prevent them from falling to the beach below. These dramatic events received national attention and produced YouTube videos that went viral. Weather events that produced this amount of damage and property loss are expected to accelerate in the years to come due to Sea level Rise (SLR) and increased storm activity.

In the chapter of the DEIR titled Potential Sea Level Rise (pg. 3.5-9), the City acknowledges the vulnerability of our coastline to SLR and opens with this strong statement:

Sea level rise resulting from global climate change has the potential to alter the frequency and magnitude of coastal flood events in Pacifica”.

It goes on to later cite the Environmental Science Associates or ESA 2018 SLR Vulnerability Assessment which predicted “...scenarios raging from 1-2 feet by 2050, and 3-6 feet by 2100”. This section focuses on flooding events due to SLR and acknowledges the need for further research stating “The modeling used for the Vulnerability Assessment does not incorporate the long-term erosion of shorelines and bluffs and thus the flood layers may underestimate flood exposure . Missing is specific acknowledgment of the lack of research regarding the interaction of hydrology and SLR which is at play during storm-driven cliff erosion events. There is a well-known direct relationship between coastal erosion and the internal hydrology of adjacent land forms – especially at times of heavy rain and high surf.

To be more specific, how can the DEIR section titled ‘Hydrology and Flooding’ ignore this aspect of hydrology in the most-battered coastal section of Pacifica, one that has experienced the greatest retreat of bluff overlook footage and loss of property?

West Edgemar, Pacific Manor and Northwest Sharp Park contain the most heavily armored stretch of coastline in Pacifica; yet, in spite of armoring, the stretch along Pacific Manor’s Esplanade Avenue is the site where homes and entire apartment buildings were lost. These expensive beach-destroying rock revetments are proving in the long term to be futile.

Only a few hundred feet north of the site of demolished structures is the coastline of Fairmont West. This is a stretch of beach with only one small zone of revetment (the Levin property), and there is little likelihood that the California Coastal Commission will ever allow more.

Just north of the Levin property is a sharp ravine (see below) This ravine and another one several hundred yards north have been cut into the soft sandstone bluffs – bluffs that run from Mussel Rock all the way south to Northwest Sharp Park.

South Ravine Palmetto sidewalk

Both of these ravines nearly reach roads. One road, Palmetto Avenue, is cited in Section 3.5 Transportation (Pg 3-4) as vital to traffic circulation.

“Due to the bisecting nature of SR 1, certain roadways are vital to traffic circulation west of SR 1. Palmetto Avenue is the only roadway west of State Route 1 to extend from the northern edge of the City to central Pacifica.”

As you can see from the above photo, the head of the southern-most ravine is only a few yards from the Palmetto Avenue sidewalk. How much longer will the head of this ravine stay where it is? The head of the ravine is the same Franciscan formation of sandstone rapidly eroding at an estimated 1-2 feet annually.. The only thing holding the head of the ravine in place is ice plant.

Below is one of the maps in the City’s 2018 ESA SLR Vulnerability Study (Fig 23, Pg 34). The map shows possible eastward incursion that could totally eliminate much of Fairmont West’s present unarmored coastal zone by 2100. Before that, Palmetto Avenue will either have been either severed or realigned eastward into what is now private property.

Fairmont West

A further indication of the active hydrology here are wetland areas located just east of Palmetto Ave in the Fish and Bowl properties. The wetland areas have been instrumental in limiting building construction.

The Fish and Bowl area seems to serve as a sponge for drainage down from Hwy 1 and higher. Photographs show seepage on the remnants of old Edgemar Road that runs between the Fish and Bowl properties several months after a rain event. The DEIR, in the section on Hydrology and Flooding, needs to reflect this area’s vulnerability and acknowledge the lack of objective data on the interrelation of coastal erosion and hydrology there.

Jan 22 2022 – Jan 22 2022 – Feb 26 2022

Below left is a photo taken during an El Nino event: water seemed to have inexplicably emerged out of the sand dunes during the series of storms in 1997-98. The bluff face appears to be melting and turning liquid.

On the right is a photo of the head of South Ravine. Note the darker areas which are water tables. Over time such seepage tends to dissolve the tenuous bonds that hold sand together.

(left) South Ravine – (right) Edge of Northern Dunes during Head of the 1997-1998 El Nino year. Note darker layers indicating water tables

Of course, all of this is dependent on many factors. For safety, the data regarding the watershed and water tables demands the City’s attention and DEIR inclusion. Despite several applications for building permits in this area, the City has neglected to have independent studies conducted on its hydrology.

Most of the ‘Fish and Bowl’ property, which lies just across Palmetto Avenue from this ravine and the GGNRA protected Northern Dunes, is zoned Medium Density Residential. This zoning makes the building of ocean view multi-million dollar condos or luxury apartments there very alluring; yet the area is full of unbuildable wetland areas that require buffer zones and are threatened by SLR incursion well within the next 100 years.

For years, nearby residents have resisted filling this beautiful coastal greenbelt with high-end housing. They have worked, not only to protect it as open space, but to reserve the area for possible realignment of Palmetto Avenue. As cited above, Palmetto Avenue provides a lifeline for the residential areas of Fairmont West and parts of Daly City to a southern access to the City of Pacifica. A General Plan Update affords an excellent opportunity for the City to acknowledge that the 1980 GP land use designation and zoning designation is now inappropriate – due to the unexpected crisis of Climate Change and Seal Level Rise..

The DEIR’s Hydrology and Flooding policy elements that bear most on the issue concerning the relationship between hydrology and SLR, are these:

CO-G-2 Watershed Management. The recognition of the interrelated nature of hydrological systems, that is watersheds, and development is well stated. The problem is that the watersheds on the northern part of Pacifica are entirely ignored in the body of the DEIR.

CO-I-13 Erosion Control. This element is probably addressed at managing erosion of creek banks within watersheds, but it should also be worded to address bluff erosion that is exacerbated by hydrological factors.

While the DEIR, as written, contains important resource information, much of it is outdated and does not take into account recent available data. The DEIR lacks independent analysis of critical areas of concern such as hydrological factors in Fairmont West.

It would seem once these concerns and others are addressed, it would only make sense to recirculate the document, still in its draft form, rather than append the draft. All Pacificans will want to be aware of these issues and have safety addressed.

Tree City Pacifica – Paul Totah

Over the past two years, Tree City Pacifica has worked to help refine and improve the Tree Ordinances; and while the process is yet to be completed, we have made great strides in this regard. Our thanks go out to everyone involved in this important endeavor – from citizens and city staffers to those on the City Council and Planning Commission who support protecting and replanting trees in Pacifica.

Tree City Pacifica is now planning our fourth Arbor Day Celebration for November 12. (Look for more on this in the months to come.) This event would not be possible without donations of trees by the City of Pacifica. Thanks to our allies in Public Works, we have planted these trees in Vallemar (along Calera Creek, in front of homes and in front of the Pacifica School District Office), at Sanchez Art Center and the Sanchez Library, at Fairmont Park, and on front yards of homes near that park.

In short, we are trying to grow our “urban forest.” This is a phrase you’ve probably seen before. If not, you’ll be seeing more of it in the years to come. Some may see this phrase as an oxymoron. After all, the forest lies outside the city, not within it. However, cities are coming to realize the value of planting trees on streets, in front of homes and apartments, in schools and in front of businesses. To do this, they, like Pacifica, are giving away trees.

For example:

Sacramento distributes free shade trees.

San Francisco is adding street trees to sidewalks outside residents’ homes.

Mountain View is encouraging its residents to accept a gift of one 15-gallon tree to be planted anywhere around their homes.

San Jose is both giving away trees and teaching its residents how to care for them.

Los Angeles is partnering with City Plants to distribute trees to homes, apartments, schools and businesses.

And Seattle has given out 12,300 trees since 2009, as many as six per household, to help in so many ways.

Most of us know the benefits trees bring to cities. In fact, the United Nations codified all the benefits in 2016 when they noted that trees contribute to our food security, increase urban biodiversity, mitigate climate change, cool the air, filter urban pollutants, improve physical and mental health, regulate water flow, reduce carbon emissions, and increase property values.

We hope that Pacifica will both continue to expand our urban forest and educate the public about planting the right trees in the right places. Trees, we understand more and more, should be our allies in our efforts to make our world sustainable, healthy and verdant. The more we understand our symbiotic relationship to trees, the better off we all will be.

Pacifica Beach Coalition News & Reviews – Lynn Adams & Nancy Enge

While the months fly by and the sun stays out longer, litter and habitat-needing-tending is always present.  This month I would like to send out a thank you to all of the volunteers and to the site captains leading the charge and to our naturalists who are bringing environmental info to all who will listen.  Together they have all helped the planet in innumerable ways!  Thank you to our supporters who have contributed to the Pacific Beach Coalition very generously and help to keep our programs running.  Thank you too to our PBC Board members.  If you would like to be a part of our active membership, board or even interested in bringing your skills to helping us run our non profit, please contact LYNN today!

In March the Pacific Beach Coalition welcomed two new site captain teams who are championing the cleanups at Thornton Vista in Daly City and rotating sites in Foster City. 

Looking forward, we have the 4th of July and invite you to celebrate safely and in a waste free way.  Or join the 5th of July cleanups at Sharp Park, Rockaway and Linda Mar at 8am.  Or perhaps a neighborhood cleanup is in the cards for you and your family to keep our streets clean and waste out of the ocean. 

In August we are planning to show the movie EDGE OF THE WILD about the land use battle to save the Mission Blue Butterfly habitat on San Bruno Mountain. Prior to the movie you can vote for your favorite painted bucket at the famous Painted Bucket walk!  Mark Friday, August 26th on your calendar now! 

Earth Month 2022 Cleanup Recap

We had 158 location cleanups during Earth Month, attended by 1,323 volunteers who picked up more than 2,959 pounds of trash, 417 pounds of recycling, 1,862 pounds of green waste, and more than 23,741 cigarette butts. Thirty-one miles were covered and cleaned, as reported on the Clean Swell App. Amazing results. Well done, Earth Heroes!

Pacific Beach Coalition Results – Jan thru May

Sometimes it is hard to believe how many people care and how much litter is out there but hopefully the following stats will show you that you are not alone in your quest to end litter and restore habitat!  Since January our collective efforts have made an impact!  Keep it up Pacifica, Daly City, Montara, ElGranada, Half Moon Bay, Foster City, Bay Area – your light is shining brightly to other communities.  We all can and  need to do more to be better stewards and we need everyone around us to join the “I love Earth wagon”! 

The Pacific Beach Coalition is proud again to run the Paint a Bucket to End Cigarette Litter.   The contest is on with over 60 entries filling the slate in just 5 days.   Mark your calendars for Friday, Aug 26th when the Painted Bucket walk will premier at the Community Center and the public can see them all and vote for their favorite in each category.

Respect and Protect Shore Birds

All shorebirds deserve the space and freedom to eat and rest undisturbed. Nesting or not, give shorebirds a wide berth. If they look at you or start to move, you are too close!

Right now, endangered Least Terns are nesting on our coast. They are beach breeders, generally nesting in a scrape of sand or pebbles just above the high tide line. They even find cozy spots between clamshells to shelter their chicks.

On warm days, tern moms will stand over eggs and hatchlings to shade them from the sun. On hot days, they’ll soak their belly feathers in the ocean and return to the beach to give their broods a cool sponge bath.

Whether you love the beach for sunbathing, walking your dog, fishing, kayaking or boating, you can be a bird-friendly beachgoer and protect Least Terns and all shorebirds with three easy steps:

  • Keep dogs on leash and away from the birds
  • Give shorebirds and seabirds at least 100 feet of space — that’s the equivalent of 16 beach towels. Respect fences and signs and stay out of areas that are roped off.
  • Avoid using loud or large flying things that shorebirds and seabirds perceive as predators, such as drones, fireworks, balloons and kites.

Learn more

Amazing Results! Brings Extra Water!

Local habitat natives planted on the Rockaway/Linda Mar switchbacks, thanks to our habitat restoration team, are in full bloom right now! Don’t miss the opportunity to see this beautiful display of color and strength and rejuvenation. The pollinators are very busy and out in happy numbers.

Before you head out on your walk, consider carrying an extra bottle of water to give to the new plants. You’ll gain the satisfaction of sustaining a thirsty living thing, and the plants will reward all of us — including the more-than-humans — with growth and strength to do all that they do.

Come out and be a part of our ongoing habitat restoration projects with Michael, Mary, Sophia, Journey, Gianna and other citizen ecologists on Sunday, June 26, from 10am to noon.  Meeting location:  Community Center


Pacifica Community Rummage Sale

What’s Mizpah? – Michele Trausch

Mizpah Fellowship, Inc. has been a Pacifica institution for over 70 years, yet so many Pacificans are unaware of what it is and what it does. Here’s a quick summary.

Mizpah is a Hebrew word that is translated as, “May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other.” Mizpah is a group of Pacifica women who are community service volunteers. Founded in 1948, Mizpah originally provided assistance to the only church in the area at that time – the Little Brown Church. A few years later, members decided to separate their activities from the church, and we became a non-denominational, non-political, social civic group, dedicated to the betterment of the community by raising funds to support worthy projects through the volunteer efforts of its members.

We initially raised funds through bake sales, week-long rummage sales, and even fashion shows. Today, Mizpah is a 501c(3) entity which raises funds for its charitable work in a variety of ways including the Fog Fest, one-day rummage sales, our annual Quilt Show, and the highly popular Tea and Craft Fair. The primary focus of our efforts is to provide scholarships to college-bound Pacifica high school seniors from Oceana and Terra Nova. Additionally, we provide financial support to the Pacifica Resource Center, Boys and Girls State, Pacifica Friends of the Library, Pacifica School Volunteers, and other local non-profits.

Mizpah was instrumental in bringing the blood drives to Pacifica many years ago. We host the blood drive at the Moose Lodge twice a year and, as an incentive to those donating blood, provide a hot breakfast.

If you live in Pacifica and are interested in knowing more about Mizpah and Mizpah membership, please contact Michele at michele@mktcalif.me

Pacificans Care in Action

Pacificans Care has had a busy Spring and our Board is excited about our upcoming events during this 40th year as we focus on support for our core agencies and the incredible efforts of our core agencies, Pacifica Resource Center, Pacifica Child Care Services, Pacifica Youth Service Bureau, and Pacifica Senior Services, to ‘make a difference’ for Pacificans in need. Here’s a recap of our recent and upcoming events: 

Pacificans Care Share of Care Drive kicks off in June as our annual fundraising effort to support grants to our four core agencies. Share of Care provides an opportunity for Pacificans to support Meals on Wheels programs for homebound seniors and persons with disabilities; counseling services for youth and families in crisis; emergency housing assistance and groceries for Pacifica families and individuals in need; summer experiences for children that expands their horizons; food and veterinary services for the pets of seniors; and much, much more. Our online fundraising effort will continue through August and is available by clicking on:  PacificansCare

Double Gold Wine Tasting Fundraiser presented by Pacificans Care and Oceana Market was a flowing success. Your support and generosity helped raise over $27,000 to help our neighbors in need! On May 1, 2022, at the Pedro Point Firehouse, 125 attendees enjoyed over 75 award winning international wines along with tasty food, lively music, lots of laughter and friendly conversation. Our very own Pacificans Care Bear even made a special appearance. All funds raised at our event support Pacifica’s four core agencies: Pacifica Resource Center, Pacifica Youth Service Bureau, Pacifica Child Care Services and Pacifica Senior Services. Our cup runneth over and we want to thank all of you, especially our event sponsors, from the bottom of our hearts for making this possible.

2020-2021 People Who Care Awards are back. The People Who Care awards honor Pacifica businesses, organizations and/or individuals who have made significant contributions to making Pacifica a community that cares. This year’s awards will be presented to OCEANA MARKET, GROCERY OUTLET, KEIRA ROBALITO and FOG FEST ORGANIZING GROUP at a reception on Wednesday, June 29th from 5:00 to 7:00pm at Pacifica Brewery, 44627 Coast Highway. You are all invited to attend this wonderful gathering honoring Pacifica’s community Superheroes!

Mark your calendars for a special celebration of Pacificans Care’s 40th Anniversary on Saturday, November 5th from 2:00 to 5:00pm at the Community Center. Details to follow.

For more information about Pacificans Care visit our website at PacificansCare.org.

San Mateo County Libraries Adult Summer Programs

Register online at www.smcl.org

Please let staff know if you need help to register or have questions about any of our events.


Author Visit -June 9

Meet Sandor Katz, Author of Fermentation Journeys

JUNE 16th

Gentle Chair Yoga – VIRTUAL

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Secrets to Successful Succulent Landscaping -Virtual 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Meditation in the 21st Century – Why Meditation Matters Even More -Virtual  6:00 PM – 7:00

June 23rdIN PERSON

 Escape Room -18+

5:00 PM – 5:45 PM  & 6:30pm -7:15pm

 Location: Pacifica Sharp Park In this physical game of mind, wit and a little bit of luck, you’ll work together as a team to use clues and solve puzzles & riddles to escape the room!

June 25th

Pickle Fermentation Workshop -Virtual

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

A perfectly tart and crispy lacto-fermented pickle is easier to make than you think! All it takes is a little patience and the help of some friendly microbes. Join the UCCE Master Food Preservers of San Mateo and San Francisco Counties.



Art Talk – The Obama Portraits Tour

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

The de Young Museum presents the portraits of former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama by artists Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald as part of The Obama Portraits Tour organized by the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery.

Gale Antokal at Sanchez Art Center Plus Two Additional Shows, June 3 – 26, 2022 

Sanchez Art Center approaches the middle of the year with three new exhibitions, featuring Intensity of Silence by artist Gale Antokal; plus 5 Wishes, encouraging positive dialogue about death and dying; and, Tell me a Story, a group show by Art Guild of Pacifica. 

Gale Antokal’s body of work, on view in the Main Gallery, is aptly titled Intensity of Silence.   Intensity is defined as extreme degree of strength, force, energy or feeling.   The drawings made with graphite, flour, ash and pastel on paper are forceful in their quietude.   The medium addresses the artist’s personal iconography, with ash the finite end of all material, while flour is the sustenance of life.  Antokal shares that the vulnerability of her materials “serves as a metaphor for the human condition that has potential of being erased and can vanish in a brief moment”.

Her images on the paper appear in a space that is undefined evoking a sense of mystery that invites the viewer to linger trying to discern what’s beyond the edges.  In Place 6, a solitary rower is centered on the paper in such a way that you think you can hear the quiet gentle rhythm of the oars in the water.  One wonders is the background clouds or trees on the shore?  Where has the individual come from and where they are going?  Are there others?

Inspiration is taken from photographic collections in books and online archives, with figures and transportation conveyances seemingly from another time and a place that once was, though the artist has noted that recent works are motivated by stories of recent war, trauma migration and loss.  

Gale Antokal was born in New York, New York, and received her BFA (1980) and MFA from the California College of the Arts in 1984. In 1992 Antokal received a Visual Arts Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts.  She is a Professor Emeritus at San Jose State University in the Department of Art and Art History.  Antokal held several visiting artist positions and teaching positions including the San Francisco Art Institute, Instructor of Art History at the Lehrhaus Institute, and the American College in Jerusalem. She was an affiliate faculty member in the JSSItaly program in Civita Castellana, Italy in 2015. 

The public is invited to enjoy a conversation between Gale Antokal and Richard Whittaker (founder, Works & Conversations) on Sunday, June 26, 3:30 pm.  This talk is presented through Sanchez Art Center’s free art education and engagement programming.  

The East Gallery presents 5 Wishes, encouraging positive dialogue about death and dying, an exhibit envisioned by Dr. Martina Ayala, an award-winning filmmaker, recognized educator and community leader.  She has curated exhibits in San Francisco and Los Angeles focusing on the Day of the Dead, gentrification, ancestral healing and women.  

For this exhibit, Ayala invited thirteen artists to express their feelings about death through art providing space for reflection about the act of surrendering to life’s transitions.  Inspired by her elderly parents who engaged her in the process of completing advanced health care directives,
“5 Wishes” was the title of the document that she helped her parents complete.  Martina’s initial reaction was discomfort and denial of the inevitable end of life stage that her parents and all living beings go through.  As she went through the process, she realized the amazing gift her parents were gifting her by ensuring that their wishes, values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care and end of life planning were addressed.

This show invites you to surrender to the process of living and dying as an act of self-love. We invite you to explore death as a call to action. 

On Saturday, June 11, beginning at 3:30 pm, a Gallery Walk will be held with artists in the show sharing about their work and personal journey, to inspire opening ourselves to conversation about a part of life, death.  

Concurrently,  in the West Gallery the Art Guild of Pacifica presents a group themed show, Tell Me A Story, highlighting the important role of stories as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and even to install moral values. 
Sanchez Art Center is located at 1220 Linda Mar Blvd in Pacifica, about a mile east of Highway 1. Following opening night, the galleries are open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 1–5 pm, and by appointment, through June 26. For more information, info@SanchezArtCenter.org or  650.355.1894 or visit SanchezArtCenter.org.


Distinctive Sporting Event Benefiting the Environment Features Experienced Amateur 40+Aged Surfers Plus Unique Intergenerational Team Division 

Kahuna Kupuna Surf Contest Saturday July 23   7:00 am – 6:00 pm 

@ Pacifica State Beach, Pacifica (Linda Mar Beach)

(Pacifica, CA – June 10, 2022) — Pacificans of all ages are invited to watch “Masters, Grand Masters, Super Masters, Legends, Grand Legends, Super Legends and Truly Legendary” surfers as they display remarkable athleticism and dance on the ocean’s waves during the annual Kahuna Kupuna Surf Contest on Saturday, July 23rd at Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica, California.  The contest will start at 7:00 AM and run all day until 5:30 PM followed by an award ceremony on the beach.  In its 22nd year, the Kahuna Kupuna is the world’s only amateur surf contest primarily designed to honor and put a spotlight on the more experienced (in age) male and female surfers among us.  This year’s contest promises to once again deliver a spectacular day at the beach celebrating the intergenerational nature of the sport of surfing.  

Entry forms for contestants are now being accepted and are available upon request via an emailed request to kahunakupunasurf@gmail.com or online at Eventbrite – 22nd Annual Kahuna Kupuna Benefit Surf Contest.  The entry fee is $80 for surfers age 40 and over and $40 for surfers under age 40 who are invited to join one of the older surfers on a team in the Intergenerational Team division.  

For those that come to watch all of the great surf action but not compete, there is no admission fee.  This is a PUBLIC event and everyone is welcome to bring a beach chair and join us on the beach to watch the contest. For more information: Eventbrite – 22nd Annual Kahuna Kupuna Benefit Surf Contest, or contact Roy Earnest by email at kahunakupunasurf@gmail.com or by phone at (650) 438-6378.  

The main focus of the contest is the Kahuna Kupuna divisions for men and women surfers who are 40 years of age and over, with separate age group sub-divisions for shortboard and longboard surfers. As a way to include younger surfers, however, we also offer an Intergenerational (IG) Team Division that welcomes surfers of all ages.  Each Intergenerational team is comprised of 6 surfers whose ages represent three generations. Last year, the youngest surfer on an IG Team was 12 and the oldest was 75.

Kahuna, in Hawaiian, roughly means “Big Chief” and Kupuna means “wise elder” or “an older member of the community that others go to for advice and counsel”.  Kupuna is a common word used in Hawaii to refer to an older adult who is a valued part of someone’s “ohana” or extended family/support network.  In Polynesian culture, it doesn’t matter if a Kupuna is a blood relative, hence the common tradition of having many “Aunties”, “Uncles” and “Grandparents” that support younger generations of the community and vice versa.  

The Kahuna Kupuna has a wide range of age groups and divisions for both women (Aunties) and men (Uncles) with both shortboard and longboard divisions that include: 40 – 49 Junior Kupuna; 50 – 54 Master Kupuna; 55 – 59 Grand Master Kupuna;  60 – 64 Super Master Kupuna; 65 – 69 Legend Kupuna;  70 – 74 Grand Legend Kupuna;  75 – 79 Super Legend Kupuna;  80+ Legendary Kupuna plus the Intergenerational Teams that represent three generations.   

This annual event is the annual fundraiser that supports Pacifica’s Environmental Family’s.  PEF is an all-volunteer run 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and, since 1994, has successfully empowered local grassroots projects to restore, protect, and beautify Pacifica’s environment; raise awareness of environmental issues; provide education on natural history; and inspire stewardship and community.  One of the primary ways they do this is to provide fiscal sponsorship of grass roots projects run by groups of local Pacificans.  Former PEF sponsored projects that have spun off as independent non-profit organizations include the Pacifica Beach Coalition, which was sponsored by PEF for over 20 years, and Pacifica Gardens, which was sponsored by PEF for 7 years. For more information, go to pacificasenvironmentalfamily.org.
Everyone – surfers and non-surfers alike – are welcome to join us at Linda Mar Beach on Saturday, July 23rd from 7:00 AM to 6:30 PM.  This is an opportunity to spend a relaxing day on the beach, connect with local Pacificans as well as many others who travel from various locales and watch some of the best surfers from San Mateo County and beyond ride the ocean’s waves. 

Surfing in Ireland
