Take the Coastside Transportation Survey – Rick Nahass

Commute.org’s mission is to reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by commuters to decrease congestion, improve the environment, and enhance quality of life.
Spearheaded by commute.org Board Members Mike O’Neill, Pacifica, and Deborah Penrose, Half Moon Bay, the feedback from this four question survey will be used in conjunction with previous county outreach programs, such as Reimagine SamTrans, to determine next steps for better enabling people to use alternate transit methods.
The fourth question is intended for free form open comments. Please take the time to consider how you might answer this question:
“If you have any other comments or suggestions for how to support and encourage Coastside residents to use alternatives to driving alone, please use the space below to let us know.”
Help us Get the word out to get full representation from all coastside residents from Pescadero to Pacifica by forwarding survey link.